Showing GeoScribble as a layer in Vespucci?

Hi, does anyone know how to show GeoScribble notes as an overlay in Vespucci? If I go to “add imagery from WMS” and then try to add the URL from the Wiki (the one for iD) as a WMS endpoint, I get cryptic error messages (download failed with error code 422, unprocessable entity / querying WMS server failed, please use WMS for service).

The URL I have tried is:{width}&height={height}&srs={proj}&bbox={bbox}&format=image/png&layers=latest

You need to actually provide a value for the {proj} placeholder see Custom imagery - Vespucci.

Adding a WMS endpoint is for a complete WMS server, not for individual layers.

Thanks! I’ve managed to get it to work using “Get custom imagery…” with the URL{width}&height={height}&srs=EPSG:3857&bbox={bbox}&format=image/png&layers=latest. It’s not pretty but it lets me see my notes in Vespucci.

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I was just going to suggest using EPSG:3857 (do you have a location where there is actually something? Just for testing.).

Seems as if the server doesn’t respond to a GetCapabilities call so the custom imagery url is likely the best we can do for now.

I recently added Node: ‪Rüedu‬ (‪12105700800‬) | OpenStreetMap based on a GeoScribble of mine. Just for testing :wink:

(And wanted to test how the scribble can be erased afterwards)

Edit: @Zverik shows the scribbles on a map: GeoScribbles

Doesn’t GeoScribbles give a correct response, or is it the wrong request?

It moans about that you should be using service=WMS even if that is present.

Ah. It required upper-case WMS always. I have just fixed that, now service=wms should also work.

Thanks! Adding as an WMS endpoint and querying it now results in a message “Nothing found”, instead of a list of layers.

I was using upper case …

But as @osmuser63783 notes it simply returns an empty result now (no and I’m not asking for you to hack a proper GetCapabilities response together).

I am frankly puzzled what am I doing wrong. The GetCapabilities request works in QGIS and JOSM, so I wonder what is missing for Vespucci.

