Hi, does anyone know how to show GeoScribble notes as an overlay in Vespucci? If I go to “add imagery from WMS” and then try to add the URL from the Wiki (the one for iD) as a WMS endpoint, I get cryptic error messages (download failed with error code 422, unprocessable entity / querying WMS server failed, please use WMS for service).
The URL I have tried is: https://geoscribble.osmz.ru/wms?service=WMS&request=GetMap&width={width}&height={height}&srs={proj}&bbox={bbox}&format=image/png&layers=latest
Thanks! I’ve managed to get it to work using “Get custom imagery…” with the URL https://geoscribble.osmz.ru/wms?service=WMS&request=GetMap&width={width}&height={height}&srs=EPSG:3857&bbox={bbox}&format=image/png&layers=latest. It’s not pretty but it lets me see my notes in Vespucci.
Thanks! Adding https://geoscribble.osmz.ru/wms?service=WMS&request=GetCapabilities as an WMS endpoint and querying it now results in a message “Nothing found”, instead of a list of layers.