Should this seating be mapped as bleachers or as grandstand?

Hi, please take a look at the image below.

I am wondering if the seating here should be mapped as grandstand or as the bleachers? It says that it’s a grandstand if it’s roofed and this is, well… partially roofed, so I’m not sure.

Furthermore, the space below the seating (entrance from the other side) also functions as a stadium building. Should the same structure have building=stadium and building=grandstand (or building=bleachers)?

Dear @mutak94,

To start the brainstorm would propose ‘(tiered) stands’ for the entire blue and yellow seating area including steps and walkways, adding ‘roof’ over the part that is covered, and ‘building’= (‘clubhouse’?) for the area behind the seating :

grandstand (as in Ascot, Nürnbergring) tends to be used for the premium covered seating;
bleachers, on the other hand, going by the OSM wiki, refers to rather simple ‘plank’-type benches;
In my native language I’d refer to this as ‘tiered seating’ without specifying either grandstand or bleachers;
In Dutch -spoken where I currently live- this would be a ‘tribune’ - which translates as ‘stands’ - even though you can sit there.

just my initial tuppence,
looking forward to the collective wisdom,

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According to the wiki the tag leisure=bleachers ist used for “bleachers or stands”, ranging from “simple plank benches to more elaborate benches with backrests”. There is a sample pic on the wiki page showing a construction very similar to the one in the OP, just without the small roof in the center part.

So I would not hesitate to tag the seating in question as bleachers and add the little roof with appropriate level tag. I do not see an advantage in using leisure=stands for this seating area as this is an undocumented tag used merely 20 times compared to some 40K for leisure=bleachers.

If the whole area below the seating is a building with stadium facilities it should be mapped as building=*, whereas I am not sure about building=stadium. In my understanding building=stadium is used only for buildings completey surrounding the sport field in the middle. I am sure someone else will know better than myself.

So an option would probably be to tag the aera als building=* and add the same area again as leisure=bleachers + level=1 and add the roof area with building=roof + level=2.

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