Should narrow roads that are too small for cars still be tagged as minor roads?

I think there are four types of alleys

  1. rear access to properties, a sort of shared service road. Tagged service=alley. New York example
  2. narrow streets, but still wide enough for cars, provides access to front of properties. Controversial. Tagged highway=service service=alley or =residential etc. with width=. Rome example
  3. narrow streets, too narrow for cars, but legal for motorcycles etc. Tagged either highway=service service=alley (Italy example) or highway=path motorcycle=yes (Bangkok example)
  4. footways and steps. Edinburgh example

I think the new tag, highway=alleyway or similar, would be for (2) and (3), correct? Leaving service=alley for (1), and leaving (4) alone.

Or would it just be for (3)?