Sharing funding opportunities for development and OSMF

Hey all, I write on behalf of the OSMF Finance committee. We are thinking about fundraising this year, and looking at additional sources outside our past focus on individual donations, event sponsorship, and corporate membership and donations. There is a large world of philanthropic and government grants, and some of those could be a good fit for OSM/F strategic priorities.

There’s a lot involved in going after grants like this – developing relationships, putting together applications, and reporting on results. But first thing is just knowing about opportunities.

This is where this topic comes in. There are a lot of people across OSM, and many of us may come across interesting grant opportunities. If you see something that even might be a fit, share here on this thread or email to assess.

Also note, many of these might be a better fit for another part of the OSM community, like an individual software developer, than an organization like the OSMF. Let’s share so we’re all aware of options out there.

For example, in the finance committee we recently came upon two opportunities from nlnet, and one from the open technology fund. The OTF does seem like a good fit for the OSMF and maintenance of our core software. nlnet is geared more toward individual project maintainers, and might be a better fit for individual projects (which might fit things like iD outside of the scope of our maintainer support). Take a look!



Yeah this reflects my findings from February. NLNet is basically still the only fund for open-source developers wrt OSM projects.

OpenTech is more for cyber-security projects, although deep OSM core tech might be included. Germans can also enjoy Prototype Fund grants (which support e.g. StreetComplete’s porting to iOS). SIDN is likely the same but for developers living in Netherlands.

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Probably only for Germans, didn’t check.


Yes it’s a good fit for OSMF, and we’ve been engaging with them.

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