SEO Spam Edits Mystery

TLDR: Many spam edits share very similar attributes that makes me wonder about their origin. Can we stop or improve these edits at the root?

OSM Spam

Hi there. I’m sure many of us are aware of the low-quality SEO spam features that are relentlessly added to OSM. I’ve recently become interested in detecting and improving/removing them. Fortunately, many of these edits share common attributes! That makes them easier to detect. It also makes me very curious about them, because obviously they’re all following some guide or being done by the same marketing company or something.

Some examples here (osmcha). They are very common.

My Question

Is there anything that can be done to investigate further? Perhaps someone with deeper access to OSM’s data can check whether they are all from the same IP? Or maybe someone with better sleuthing skills can find the guide or service that’s the origin of this very distinctive editing style.

More Details

Edit similarities
  • Changeset comment Add My Business exactly (or sometimes a big list of SEO terms)
  • Brand new account, username usually some variation on business name
  • iD editor used
  • operator= tag almost always used, usually someone’s name (presumably business owner’s real name?)
  • Always very similar invalid tags:
    • Hours of Operation= (values and formatting varies)
    • Category=
    • Keywords= huge list of SEO type words and phrases
    • Payment Options=
    • Year Established=
    • addr:street= value includes housenumber, eg 623 Main St
    • no addr:housenumber tag
    • sometimes Country=USA
  • Frequently for businesses common in lead-generation scams like locksmiths, plumbers, etc.
How I detect them
  • Overpass queries for many of the invalid tags listed above
  • OSMCha saved filters to review recent changesets with “Add My Business” etc.
  • Overpass query for descriptions with 255 chars, usually meaning it was copy-pasted in and truncated by length limit
  • Overpass query for descriptions with any suspicious words. (Made by @Friendly_Ghost)
How I fix them

By hand every time, as is OSM tradition. :slight_smile: Sometimes I remove the offending feature without comment, sometimes I just repair the tags - depending on how bad the issues are and how plausible the tags are. (eg. is the address accurate? Does this location make sense for this business? Was any effort at all put into following OSM standards?)

If there’s any question in my mind that a suspicious edit is genuine, I usually leave a comment, flag it in OSMCha, and remove it later if they don’t respond. (They almost never do.)

What is SEO?

SEO is “Search Engine Optimization” - the attempt to make one’s website appear higher in search results. SEO is the motivator behind lots of OSM’s spam.


See also: SEO spam in OSM

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Ah, the spammy description query was made by @Friendly_Ghost ! Thanks, I’ll credit them.


As an additional data point, I have hidden approximately 700 notes in the last 12 months that all followed this style (some details replaced with XXX by me) and were created by anonymous users with the note often being placed in unlikely locations far away from where they ought to be:

Business Name: Towing XXX
Address: XXX Hwy, XXX, XXX, United States
Phone: XXX
Website: XXX
Category: Towing Services, Local Towing Services, Emergency Towing Roadside Assistance, Car Lockout Wrecker Service, Tow Truck Services, Flat Tire Towing Heavy Duty, Towing Flatbed, Towing RV, Towing Long Distance, Towing Jump Start Battery Cheap Tow Truck Services Heavy Duty Towing Out of Gas Refill Flat Tire Change Mobile Towing Services Change Car Battery Recovery Services Accident Removal Flatbed Towing Services Commercial Towing Services Accident Recovery Towing Medium Duty Towing Light Duty Towing Off Road Vehicle Recovery.
Description: XXX was established with the sole purpose of providing our customers with the best towing services and roadside assistance 24/7. XXX.
Keywords: Towing Services, Local Towing Services, Emergency Towing Roadside Assistance, Car Lockout Wrecker Service, Tow Truck Services, Flat Tire Towing Heavy Duty, Towing Flatbed, Towing RV, Towing Long Distance, Towing Jump Start Battery Cheap Tow Truck Services Heavy Duty Towing Out of Gas Refill Flat Tire Change Mobile Towing Services Change Car Battery Recovery Services Accident Removal Flatbed Towing Services Commercial Towing Services Accident Recovery Towing Medium Duty Towing Light Duty Towing Off Road Vehicle Recovery.
Hours: Open 24 hours
Social Links: XXX
Mail: XXX

(Just top be clear, towing is just one of many examples, it might just as well be a dentist or a florist or a lawyer or a roofing business.)

And in addition, I have hidden about 300 notes in the last 12 months that followed a similar SEO pattern but where an OSM account had been created that was named like the business, and used only to place this one note (never any actual OSM edit). These, too, were often located far from where they ought to be, or even advertised a completely online service.

Both of these “schemes” bear the obvious signs of either some SEO software doing it automatically or some IT sweatshop employees robotically following instructions. In some isolated cases where we followed these spam notes to their origin, they all pointed to Pakistan.


I have also noticed that the vast majority of new payment:amex (tagging error of payment:american_express) tags are from similar SEO spam. The quality of the edit otherwise ranges widely which makes me suspect that they are following a tutorial of some sort rather than an automated process.

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Update time! I called about 15 of these businesses. Most of them didn’t have what I wanted, but two different business owners eventually told me they hired “E-Gumball”. Looking them up on various online services it seems like they’re your typical sleazy SEO company that locks you into a year-long contract just to add some details to your Google Maps listing. (And apparently your OSM listing too, just very poorly!)

All of the businesses I called appeared to be legitimate. None of these folks have ever heard of OpenStreetMap. A few just hung up on me. (The first 30 seconds of my spiel really sounds like I’m trying to sell them something, haha. So I don’t blame them.)

Anyway, I don’t know what I expected, but there’s your somewhat sad conclusion to my investigation.

Call Log
OSM Date Call date Business Name Number Picked up Notes
2024-01-25 2024-03-25 (Removed) (Removed) Yes Don’t know anything, owner is out of town
2024-01-24 2024-03-25 (Removed) (Removed) Yes We don’t do marketing of any kind here
2024-03-23 2024-03-25 (Removed) (Removed) No Number disconnected
2024-03-22 2024-03-25 (Removed) (Removed) Yes Hung up on me
2024-03-11 2024-03-25 (Removed) (Removed) Yes We used to do our own marketing but “switched things up” to something new. Idk what
2024-03-21 2024-03-26 (Removed) (Removed) Yes Left contact info for marketing guy Mark (lol)
2024-03-21 2024-03-26 (Removed) (Removed) Yes Call center, left contact info for company
2024-03-07 2024-03-26 (Removed) (Removed) Yes Recently “changed website”, won’t tell me with who
2024-03-26 2024-03-26 (Removed) (Removed) Yes E-Gumball “does adsense” !!
2024-02-28 2024-03-26 (Removed) (Removed) No Voicemail
2024-02-28 2024-03-26 (Removed) (Removed) Yes Receptionist, doesn’t know anything
2024-02-28 2024-03-26 (Removed) (Removed) No Voicemail
2024-02-28 2024-03-26 (Removed) (Removed) Yes Hung up on me
2024-02-30 2024-03-26 (Removed) (Removed) No Voicemail
2024-03-01 2024-03-26 (Removed) (Removed) Yes E-Gumball again
E-Gumball Links
  • Glassdoor
  • BBB (Btw, don’t get me started on BBB, they are a scam themselves but I link them here to show how little gumball even needs to try)
  • Won’t link here but their Google Maps reviews are obviously a mix of fake (5 star) and real (1 star) reviews
  • California state business docs (search egumball)

Great effort. Thanks for putting in the hours. E-Gumball, I have
definitely heard that name before, and not in a good context…


I made another small MapRoulette task on the topic of SEO spam cleanup, this time based on the Category=* tag: Remove the Category tag from businesses
All of these cases are in the US of A. I found and cleaned up the instances of this tag outside the USA, which seemed relatively harmless and were probably unrelated to the main culprit(s).

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