Thanks: this is good, and I had inferred as much. Are you also planning to live test in a limited area before you go “worldwide”?
What I meant was that you should choose just one city, or national park, or whatever, and have a dozen or so authentic contributors (not your developers) doing “live” edits for a while. Those first edits should be reviewed by yourselves, and then your work peer-reviewed by the community, before rolling this out wider. Honestly, it’s the “worldwide” thing that makes me most nervous: it connotes an app unleashed into the wild, and no way of spotting the damage it’s doing before it’s too late. imo the app needs to learn to walk before it can run: OSM doesn’t suit people who move fast and break things.
Thanks for your clarifications in the rest of that post, too. Especially, I didn’t realise the norm was to use a developer account.