I welcome input from non-rice growing area mappers. However, please do your own research on the basics. (My English is not good enough to explain the details to you.)
There are two types of places where rice is grown: submerged paddy field (wetted rice paddy; 무논;水田) and dry rice paddy (건답;旱田).
There are two types of dry rice paddy: those planted in farm fields and those planted in hills or natural grasslands.
Therefore, for the dry rice paddy, we would only need to indicate the crop grown (crop=rice) in addition to the ‘landuse=farmfland’ tag.
However, for the wetted rice paddy, the land is in a different state and I want to indicate this.
Of the two cases below, which do you think is better?
- tagging crop=rice in addition to landuse=farmfland and adding ‘surface=mud’ to indicate that the land surface is mud.
- create a new tag because the condition is different from the general farmfield.
2-1. If you need to create a new tag, get suggestions on what it should be.
Why I think the ‘surface=mud’ tag is appropriate for ‘wetted rice paddy’.
I compared a few similar tags, but decided that they have their own uses and could potentially conflict with each other or cause confusion. However, I decided that the ‘surface=mud’ tag is a perfect fit for ‘wetted rice paddy’ because it only describes the surface condition of the soil.