SAVE THE DATE: Local Chapters and Communities Congress 2025 (LCCC 2025) happening in 15 March

Dear community,

we are thrilled to invite you to the Local Chapters and Communities Congress 2025 (LCCC 2025) that will be held Online (on BigBlueButton)!

LCCC is a virtual annual event where members of various OSM communities, whether they are officially recognized Local Chapters of the OSM Foundation or just a regular user group of OSM mappers, come together to share stories and learn from each other.

You don’t need to be a member of a Local Chapter to participate. If you are interested in building up your community, or want to learn more about what other communities are doing locally, then please join this event!

:desktop_computer: Event website

:pushpin: Registration

Show others that you are attending by using your OSM account and marking your attendance on OSMcal!


I think the tool you are using cannot handle e-mail extensions. Like for example

Could you please check? Its an official RFC and its possible to use it with google as well (if that is able or needed to convince someone :smiley: ). :slight_smile:

EDIT: Don’t know if you have done something manually, but one hour later, i got the e-mail. Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

I got the tickets in the email, and even scanned the bar code. But for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to join, which is a shame, as the meeting has already started.

Next time instead of the fancy “tickets” system, please send a plain old hyperlink. That way, maybe next year, I will have a chance of being able to join the meeting. Thank you.

Next year perhaps include instructions on how to join along with the tickets. We are to join via ?

“Sorry, we could not find any events matching your search criteria.
This event is no longer available.”

Anyway, be sure to have a emergency help communication method, for people who are unable to find the link to join, even after getting their tickets.

OK, I figured it out.

Ignore the “ticket” part of the email. Don’t click on anything mentioning tickets (as we have already got them, but they don’t contain any links to get to the meeting.)

To join the meeting, use this link one sees in the email:

Of course one would need to copy and paste that link into a browser URL bar.

For an actual clickable link, turn off the HTML part in your mail reader. Looking at the text/plain version, an actually clickable link finally is given:

Click it to actually join the meeting.

Next year one hopes the explanation I have just given would accompany such emails. Thanks.

Meybe even simply without some kind of Tickets and simply open it up completely and drop the link.

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Hi Dan, I am so sorry for the inconvenience, we will absolutely be more careful next year and find a more accessible way of sharing the link.

If anyone else has issues finding the link the event is still happening and we are in this room: OSM Local Chapters Congress

For people who didnt make it we will send the recording after the event.

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Thanks. Please announce when the 2025 version will be ready in