Road Route Relations

yes :wink: I only would like to understand the osmosis replication better…wether all or only country specific updates are feed into the DB. Maybe it is better to keep a local serbia.osm.pbf file up-to-date with
osmosis --rri --simc --rb serbia.osm.pbf --ac --bp clipIncompleteEntities=yes file=serbia.poly --wb new.osm.pbf &&
rm serbia.osm.pbf && mv new.osm.pbf serbia.osm.pbf

and drop and re-add the database once a day. Will probably take less than 10 mins for Serbia

take a look at

Hm, maybe I was wrong about splitting the directions? Those examples seem to be further geographical section splits, rather then separating directions…

Btw, maybe the following can help too:

That article is referring to as source (here is JPG version of the same There you can see part of E-80 between Niš and Priština overlaps with E-771, so all wiki articles that say E-771 end in Priština, probably uses same source. Even though this map comes from official site it might be outdated or simply incorrect in some parts.

And something else I noticed, in ref tags, numbers and letters are separated by space. On our wiki page there are no spaces in names but on English E road wiki there are spaces. Further more it says E # ref is assigned to relation not to road, and I saw roads with E number on them selves, is this correct or should be changed.

I was thinking the same :wink:

Oh and one more thing, just to illustrate reliability of different sources, here you can see same road marked as E80#E752 M25, witch is obviously outdated.

Ok, lets end it where it is. We can correct it if there are mot up to date or reliable information

I know :slight_smile: but the number of possibilities is probably limited to E-123, E123 and E 123. If everything is in the right relation, than it is not problem in my eyes…But I can fix it if there is standard for Serbia agreed here.

It can also be tagged on the road with int_ref= but you are right, ref= should be the local number.

I think we haven’t agreed (yet) on standard markings for E roads, and since we already have relations for major road and you are building it for regional roads, this might be something to put on a To do list and discuss it later. And ref also, so I’ll leave it as it is :wink: .

I just found one more source (E 771 on page 26).
And I’m looking at some examples around Europe and tag combinations are int_ref= for E roads and ref= for national, so this looks ok.

Just a quick ‘2 pare’ :wink: :

Seems there is precedent for alpha-2 country code here [1] (uppercase please as prescribed by ISO 3166), and also to keep with the ‘official’ classification [2] maybe we should choose something like


although the ‘popular’ classification


will work just as well…


whatever you want. Class I&II would be a better description of the Serbian classifications, national/regional/motoways would be more generic. There is no standard yet in OSM (Germany has no network=, except BAB->Bundesautobahn=Federal motorway, which I think is a mess…a german acronym in an international project). Personally I prefer national/regional/motorways because it is a step forward to an OSM standard and people not familar with Serbian (or Poland or Japan…)specific classifications, will find such generic classes easier and will not need to find the classes for each country individually.

У мају ове године је урађена реорганизација категоризације државних путева.
Законски је регулисана са Уредбом и Правилником:

У правилнику између осталог стоји:

Po našem zakonu dokumenti državnih ustanova ne mogu piti predmet autorskog prava, počev od zakona i podzakonskih akata pa sve do kartografskih podataka.

Јесте да се удаљавамо од теме, али по ком закону документи државних установа не могу бити предмет ауторског права??? И како дефинишу документ?

Из Закона о ауторским и сродним правима:

Члан 6

  1. Ауторскоправном заштитом нису обухваћене опште идеје, начела, принципи и упутства који су
    садржани у ауторском делу.
  2. Не сматрају се ауторским делом:
  3. закони, подзаконски акти и други прописи;
  4. службени материјали државних органа и органа који обављају јавну функцију;
  5. службени преводи прописа и службених материјала државних органа и органа који обављају
    јавну функцију;
  6. поднесци и други акти у управном или судском поступку.

Не видим да на основу овог закона да можемо да извучемо неку корист :frowning:

Него да се вратимо на тему. Који су подаци потребни за креирање релација, односно за њихову проверу? Ако сам добро разумео то су правац и његова дужина?

На горњем линку се може наћи статистика бројања саобраћаја, односно неке деонице (можда су и све) и њихове дужине. Ајд да се пресаберемо шта нам је потребно па да им то и тражимо.

FYI, just made a new wiki page listing the road route relations (only international so far):

P.S. Went ahead and did the E65 split all over, took me a couple of days :roll_eyes:

the tool OSMonitor is installed. The import is under way. Pawel, the coder of the tool, and I are bit megalomaniac and trying to import the whole planet and keep it current with OSM replication…let’s see. The tool will provide daily reports like this

However, we need some help for the setup. We need files like these
i.e. text files for M-roads, E-roads and R-roads with the numbers in it.

I am not sure but I think that there is no more R and M roads.

I have found some discussion on forum , but right now I am not able to study it.

The number of roads are simply the numbers:

1-6 for IA category
11-36 for IB category
100-181 for II category

not sure I understand. These numbers replace the existing R and M numbers or are just an additional numbering schema? But even if there is a new road numbering, I suggest to start with the old M and R numbers and move to the new schema if it becomes more clear. We also could run reports for both shemas