Road "layer' under Administrative Boundry.. how to change layers.?

Hi All… I’m a newbie map editor in USA. I am trying to edit Speed Limits on roads. However there is an Administrative Boundary layer on Top of a certain Road preventing me from adding tag data to the Road Layer. I’m using the browser editor. Is there an easy way I can select the Road layer to make edits.?
Thanks… :slight_smile:

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Assuming you’re using the default iD editor in your browser: click the Map Data button on the right side of the map, then open the last section and uncheck Boundaries.

You’ll be able to edit anything that was previously obscured by a boundary. However, if the boundary is connected to the roadway – such as along a county line road – you’ll have to temporarily reenable the boundary layer whenever you want to do something more advanced, such as splitting the roadway where the speed limit changes.


Nice answer, Minh!

WOW…!!! Thanks “Minh_Nguyen” for your quick and accurate reply.
Yes, I am using the ID Editor and your helpful answer was EXACTLY what I needed to proceed. With your input I was able to make more Speed Limit edits on roads I couldn’t access before. Thanks so much for your help… :slight_smile: