RFC: Purpose of tags with information on the accessibility of stairs for the disabled

In the Czech Republic, it is common for the visually impaired to mark stairs in such a way that the first and last steps of the stairs are highlighted in color (suitable for the visually impaired).

tag: color_accentuation_of_the_staircase

The regulation does not require that the staircase be:

backlit or for the blind to have tactile paving in front of the stairs, although it would certainly help with greater safety.

tag: stairs:tactile_paving

A vertical sliding platform (or lifts) helps wheelchair users to overcome the stairs

tag:stairs: vertical_sliding_platform

Czech: Pro zrakově postižené je v ČR běžné podle norem označování schodů tak, že je barevně zvýrazněn první a poslední stupeň schodů (vhodné pro slabozraké).
barevné zvýraznění schodiště

Předpisem není dáno, aby bylo schodiště:
nebo aby pro nevidomé byla před schody hmatová dlažba, ač by to určitě pomohlo větší bezpečnosti.

Vozíčkářům pomáhá překonávat schody svislá posuvná plošina (nebo výtahy)

Thank you. Děkuji.

Have a look at Tag:highway=steps - OpenStreetMap Wiki

There are already tags for some of the things you are suggesting: tactile_paving=*, platform_lift=*. Not sure about the colour accentuation thing.

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It really is. See for example https://www.centrumpronevidome.cz/subdom/bariery/bariery/barifoto/schodok.jpg
This form is optimal.
Elsewhere, stairs are marked only in the corners, next to the railing or the wall, and perhaps only in white. I could prove it to you by photographing it somewhere in space. Where to send this photo. Thank you.

Stairs and their marking - methodical instruction, page of the organization of the blind and partially sighted (SONS) of the Czech Republic

Radka Prázdná: Removing architectural barriers - proposal
to make the Central bus hall available
railway station in Pilsen for the blind
and visually impaired
Bachelor thesis West Bohemian University 2008
in Czech language
for example pages 35