RfC: Leisure=route

Over several instantiations I got me this idea for a new base tag applicable on ways:


There are not a lot of mappings. I imagine that as the “physical base” for several kind of sports:

  • scrambling
  • mountaineering
  • bushwhacking
  • bundubashing
  • snorkelling
  • &c.

There is quite some interest from within the mapping community to map these routes, they now mostly resort to highway=path and it might not be wanted/feasible to outlaw that. Yet the proposed tag might still be helpful to consumers.

The only problem I see is with sport=* as validators require a closed linestring there, while routes very often do not end where they start…

PS: One kind of route not covered by “sport=*” might be dogwalking (“Gassirunde” in German), which also is often mapped as path, especially where daily.