[RFC] Feature Proposal - Social facility=equine assisted centre


I’m seeking comments on a revamped approach for a new proposed tag for facilities that offer equine-assisted therapy (EAT).

Equine-assisted centers provide therapeutic and educational programs involving horses. These programs cater to various needs, including physical therapy, mental health support, and personal development.

The current state of mapping EAT facilities outside of OSM is fragmented by regional interests. There is no single source of Findable and Accessible (FAIR) data for EAT facilities or providers.

By adding this tag, we can better map and recognize these valuable facilities within the OpenStreetMap ecosystem.


Draft Proposal

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Hi all,

I’ve revamped the proposal to cover equine-assisted services which is a more broad category for this proposed facility tag. I intend to close the comment period this week and open it up for voting next week.
Hoping to hear from others in the horse community.

I’ve created a uMap to show the latest progress on mapping with ATYL. I’m still refining the proposal in response to the comments. Thanks.