[RFC] Feature Proposal - GTFS Tagging standard

I agree that it is not useful to import all columns into OSM - and if done they should mostly end up in regular tags. (like wheelchair_accessible, route color, …)
The aim of this proposal is to specify how to reference objects in a GTFS feed.

While making the examples I found out that they could be useful for identification as well. In the stops.txt table different sorts of objects are put in the same table. location_type may be the only way to distinguish platforms and the (bus) station (if platforms do not have a platform_code). Note that GTFS also uses the term ‘station’ for regular bus stops.

I doubt this, as it would require massive effort from thousands of transit agencies and apps that consume the data. Unless it would solve a big problem with the specification, it is unlikely to change.

By using the column names we can handle these cases.

The main goal is to eliminate guesswork for the data consumer. Currently gtfs:name has the meaning “the name of this stop according to a GTFS feed”. My proposal changes this to “the precise value of the name column in the GTFS feed (of the feed suffix)”. Having gtfs:name as an alias for gtfs:route_long_name, gtfs:route_short_name and gtfs:stop_name introduces more guesswork for the consumer.

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