668 members have completed the OSMF board’s survey on membership prerequisites. Thank you all for your time! These are the results:
Q01: Should an OSMF membership with voting rights require contributions to OSM?
Response | # | Percentage |
Yes | 499 | 74.70% |
No | 75 | 11.23% |
N/A | 94 | 14.07% |
Q02: On how many days should a person contribute to OSM before they can become a voting OSM Foundation member?
Response | # | Percentage |
0 (not displayed because previous answer was no) | 75 | 11.23% |
1 day (i.e. any contributions at all) | 33 | 4.94% |
7 days | 49 | 7.34% |
16 days | 96 | 14.37% |
21 days | 110 | 16.47% |
42 days | 116 | 17.37% |
3 months | 108 | 16.17% |
more | 54 | 8.08% |
N/A | 27 | 4.04% |
Q03: Would you like to share any other thoughts on the topic?
197 participants responded to this open-ended question. Among the responses, frequent topics include (in no particular order):
- non-mapping contributions
- ability to game the metric, vulnerability as a takeover protection mechanism
- requests for different metrics or additional prerequisites (such as edit quality, recurring contributions, time since the first edit, counting only volunteer contributions)
- impact on how inclusive and welcoming OSM appears and how well the interests of consumers are represented in the foundation
- desire for some form of non-voting membership type for recurring donors
- appreciation for the board’s initiative and support for the introduction of membership prerequisites