Request of an UMAP issue

Hello, I’m not sure if I can also ask a question about UMAP here. If yes: I import tracks in Kurviger and label some points as follows:

  1. i set a marker (pin).

  2. i define color, knit strength and intensity

  3. i set labeling to always

Then the problem starts: The names of the points are too long to write them in one line. I am looking for a way to set or use a second line for the label field.

I am grateful for a hint or a solution.

Thank you, regards Klaus

How is this a UMAP issue?

As I understand your message the three listed steps are done in Kruviger, I assume the App, correct?

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No, I’m sorry if I expressed me wrong.

I import only the route from Kurviger to UMAP. The steps 1 to 3 I proceed in UMAP


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