Renewables Energy Project Source

Hi, we are going to be contributing our open access Renewables projects, located at the following link ( to OpenStreetMap as this is important for sustainability innitiatives, and OpenStreetMap is used widely in the industry.

I have permission to do this and work for Rosetta Analytics. Please let me know the correct procedure in terms of licensing. In the meantime, we will continue to add our location traces to osm.

Many thanks,
Rosetta Analytics

The first step would be to get clarification on what exactly you want to import into OSM. From the website I find:

Primary Data Sources (Blended)

Rosetta Network Map
AEMO NEM Generation Report
AEMO DER Register
EPBC Act Public Portal
Bureau of Meteorology
Australian PV Institute
Coalition for Community Energy (C4CE)

So what data is Rosetta Analytics the rights holder of and what has been sourced from other datasets? You will need to get waivers from all of the upstream data providers.

This would be the first step, the OSM wiki has guidance on the rest of the process Import - OpenStreetMap Wiki.


Currently someone associated with Rosetta Analytics has imported data in changeset Changeset: 149856141 | OpenStreetMap with numerous issues. Can you please stop the import and follow the guidelines provided by TheSwavu before continuing to import. I’d also recommend reverting that changeset at this stage.


Hi All,

We are currently we are mass importing renewable energy locations, most of them are correct and are of high quality.

Once the import is complete, we will have our team manually edit them as required where there may be issues as well as reverting as required.

OSM is in much need of these projects to help drive sustainability efforts and this information needs to be democratised.

Kind Regards,

Anthony Quattrone, PhD
Rosetta Analytics


In terms of the data uploaded, it is from a spreadsheet from the AEMO NEM Generation Report and geocoded internally. We will review and report back.

There’s guidelines to follow in order to start an import and you’ve done none of those. You need to document and get community feedback before doing an import.

There’s also significant issues with the data you’ve imported, and waiting until afterwards is not acceptable when it can be fixed beforehand.

If the data is also from the AEMO, is that data compatible with the ODbL?

I think this needs to be reverted and started again from step 1.


OK, so in that case you will need to get AEMO to sign a waiver to allow their data to be used in OSM.

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Sure, I have some contacts in there that can facilitate this, given the data is all public and comes from a spreadsheet, I do not think this will be an issue.

In terms of the data quality, if you look at this one for Avonlie Solar Farm, you will notice there are some high quality contributions;

In future, if we run any imports, we will have our traces reviewed first, there is a major need in Australia now though for this information given the energy transition.

Looking forward to contributing further.

I’ve reverted all data imported due to breaches of the Import guidelines, Automated Edits code of conduct, licensing concerns, and several issues with the tags used. Due to licensing concerns, I’ve asked the DWG to review and potentially redact as well.

Before importing any more data, please read and follow the Import guidelines and Automated Edits code of conduct, as well as ensuring the tagging used is correct.

Revert changesets:


Hello there,
Just quickly weighing in as the author of the Australian Renewable Energy feature catalogue on OSM wiki.
Import etiquette aside - for some feedback on specific examples; some things that I think could be improved for next time. This will minimise the chances of mappers reacting adversely to the data added.

  • Aldoga Solar Farm I believe is still under construction, so it would not generally be added as a solar farm but as a construction site.
  • Some of the tags are likely to not be understood by other mappers, such as “labels” which has no uses outside of the objects concerned. labels | Keys | OpenStreetMap Taginfo. Adding esoteric tags is fine but it’s best that they be documented in a Wiki article for the import in the case that the import is approved by the community.
  • There are three OSM elements for Aldoga Solar Farm, which goes against One feature, one OSM element - OpenStreetMap Wiki guideline
    One of these is a node at the site centroid and the other two are duplicates of the site boundary.
    Node: 11809268273 | OpenStreetMap
    Way: 1271690642 | OpenStreetMap
    Way: 1271695278 | OpenStreetMap
    Sites that have multiple elements can be made into a relation in some circumstances, such as wind farms, in which turbines and cables can be related into a single site, or the substation for a solar farm can be related to the power station boundary site.
  • Be mindful of adding sources to features that aren’t visible on the latest aerial/satellite imagery as they are otherwise unverifiable

I’d suggest looking at the tagging structure of previously mapped generators in the RE feature catalogue for examples


We will use our uploaded traces to manually contribute overtime once we get the required waivers by the community standards, most of them like Avonlie Solar Farm were correct and there is a need for this data for the energy transition.

I do agree that the data is useful, however there are standards and processes required before you can import the data, which includes community consultation.

I (and I’m sure others too) look forward to seeing your import plan and community consultation prior to re-attempting this import.


Great, looking forward to making the contributions and working through this slowly overtime. Given the traces are still available, free to utilise any traces that meet community guidelines, it is only the meta-data that requires the waiver. Hopefully this area will continue to be further progressed.

The GPS Traces feature Public GPS Traces from apq_au | OpenStreetMap is intended for GPS traces from a physical survey, not GIS data converted into GPX format. We use GPS traces to identify new roads, tracks and paths, and find the median centerline from a bunch of GPS traces.

Looking at what you’ve uploaded, mappers might confuse these GPS traces you’ve uploaded for roads and tracks, so I would suggest removing these.

What would be helpful is pushlishing a link to this GIS data with documentation around licensing, how the data was created, currency etc.