Regional taginfo instances

The regional taginfo instance at has been updated with the newest taginfo codebase which means, among other things, that you can get a “chronology” view for many tags telling you how the use of that tag changed over time. For those of you who have used the service in the past and who were probably used to frequent “internal server errors” forcing a reload, those toothing pains should now be a thing of the past, and I’ve added direct links to the respective regions on - taginfo should have pages for every region supported by the download server. Feel free to report any issues you still encounter.

For those who are interested, GitHub - geofabrik/taginfo at multi-instance is the branch running on


If you go to the Projects list, click on a project, and click on the Tags tab, then for some reason it will not show the tag counts (it shows a dash instead).

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The internal server error still shows up when trying to go to a regional, e.g. German instance following your link. Plus when following a link from the OSM wiki taginfo shows up in a non-usable layout. :confused:

@JeroenvanderGun this should work now. @kjon can you check if maybe the DNS hasn’t propagated to you - should now be on and not on (which was the old machine).

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