Regarding ways creation

Hello , am working on my University campus using Open street Map , where i need to find out a route from one department building to other , but the issue is there isnt any internal ways defined in the university , i have took the GPS traces and uploaded in OSM , but when i export the OSM file , i couldnt find my ways defined ? Will that take some time to be defined ? as i have uploaded the tracks last night .

And the other thing is ,is that the issue of ways undefined ? As per analysis i have found that only chance of getting a route is by using the common nodes in all the ways and it tries to form a route ? is that right?

please answer me asap ! thanking you

According to (timestamp now!) you have not added any kind of way to the map data, but only changing the tags of one building.

you have to load the GPX traces of your footways into any kind of OSM editor and create the ways extra!

Already read the Beginners Giude in the OSM wiki?

Keep on asking here when there are problems or questions!