Regarding United States data-set OSM conversion to network files

Dear All,

We are currently working on the project called OSMRouting, we are extracting the map data into nodes, edges and adjacency list and then use this data to compute routes between two places using A-star and Hierarchical routing algorithms.

We have successfully converted OSM data to network files for California data-set, Minnesota data-set and US_mid-west data-set and executed routing algorithms and they worked pretty well.

But we are running out of memory while converting entire north-America data-set to network, we use for converting osm to wkt file which later is used to generate edges and adjacency list

I’m interested in knowing the general thumb rule, best practices which OSM developers follow to convert such large OSM file to network files which can be used by routing algorithms.

Can you please point me to appropriate blogs

Srikanth M

maybe you can find some hints at when searching there for the keyword “graph”.