Recent Spanish/Catalan name changes

I spotted this changeset Changeset: 152009851 | OpenStreetMap in which a new user renamed some places and beaches from Spanish to Catalan or the other way round. It would be good if someone could look this over.

Ese usuario parece ser el que aparece en esta lista con el número 1: Usuarios editando en España bajo sospecha (vandalismo, malas prácticas y otros)

Recientemente, sus usuarios “franjaragon” (franjaragon | OpenStreetMap) y “belmontesj” (belmontesj | OpenStreetMap) han sido bloqueados.

Además del usuario “sapem”, parece que también ha creado “mexiga” (mexiga | OpenStreetMap) y “Aragonsi” (Aragonsi | OpenStreetMap).

That user seems to be the one that appears in this list with number 1: Usuarios editando en España bajo sospecha (vandalismo, malas prácticas y otros)

Recently, its users “franjaragon” (franjaragon | OpenStreetMap) and “belmontesj” (belmontesj | OpenStreetMap) have been blocked.

In addition to the user “sapem”, he appears to have also created “mexiga” (mexiga | OpenStreetMap) and “Aragonsi” (Aragonsi | OpenStreetMap ).

I think that it should be reverted.

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