Rather add an Alias(?) or Search Support?

As an example: would it be preferable to add an alias with “” to all stations in Japan or add search support for every app and provider that uses OSM data?

Alias Pro:
Would be searchable everywhere without implementing it (helpful as it would help developing the apps without having to care about such search “problems”)
Alias Con:
It would add aliases for a lot of data that are in most cases just the name + some identifier or similar, which seems useless behind the fact you can get them all at once with a search “filter” in the providers.

Looking forward to hear your thoughts.

Not 100% sure what you are aksing/proposing.

It looks to me like “Alias Pro” is based on adding an alias with “駅” to all stations OSM objects in Japan so you can search on alias with “駅” instead having to search for a station in Japan.

If so, I think this is a bad idea as it introduces double data while at the same time searching for all stations in Japan with a tool like Overpass is reasonably simple, I do not see search “problems”.

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