Queja Sobre el Staff en Panamá

Estimado equipo de OpenStreetMap,

Me dirijo a ustedes para expresar mi profunda decepción con respecto a uno de los miembros del staff de editores, “Jeslop y Mariotomo”. Considero que el staff debería desempeñar un papel activo en la motivación y el incentivo de la comunidad, sin embargo, en mi experiencia, esto no ha sido el caso.

Estoy particularmente preocupado por la eficiencia y el compromiso de “Jeslop”. A pesar de estar en el staff, su contribución en términos de ediciones es considerablemente baja, con solo 15,865 ediciones en un período de 10 años y Mariotomo solo 8.126 ediciones en una década también. En mi opinión, un miembro del staff debería tener un nivel de participación mucho más alto, especialmente en un proyecto tan valioso como OpenStreetMap.

Creo firmemente que para que OpenStreetMap Latinoamérica y el Caribe, y en particular Panamá, puedan alcanzar su máximo potencial, es necesario revisar y posiblemente reestructurar la junta directiva y el equipo de staff. La comunidad merece líderes que no solo dicten qué hacer, sino que también inspiren y motiven a los colaboradores.

Agradezco su atención a este asunto y espero que se tomen las medidas necesarias para mejorar la eficiencia y el compromiso del staff.


Roberto Franco

—> English <—

Dear OpenStreetMap team,

I am writing to express my deep disappointment regarding one of the staff editors, “Jeslop and Mariotomo”. I believe that the staff should play an active role in motivating and encouraging the community, however, in my experience, this has not been the case.

I am particularly concerned about the efficiency and commitment of “Jeslop”. Despite being on staff, his contribution in terms of edits is considerably low, with only 15,865 edits over a 10-year period and Mariotomo only 8,126 edits over a decade as well. In my opinion, a staff member should have a much higher level of participation, especially in a project as valuable as OpenStreetMap.

I strongly believe that in order for OpenStreetMap Latin America and the Caribbean, and in particular Panama, to reach its full potential, it is necessary to review and possibly restructure the board of directors and the staff team. The community deserves leaders who not only dictate what to do, but also inspire and motivate collaborators.

I appreciate your attention to this matter and hope that the necessary steps will be taken to improve the efficiency and commitment of the staff.

Sincerely yours,

Roberto Franco

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It seems you’re quite new to the community. First of all, please be welcomed!

Secondly, the number of “edits” you’re mentioned are in fact “changesets”. This do not measure properly how much active a mapper is. Some prefer to only upload big changesets (thus reducing the overall number), others prefer small changesets. Also, if you’re using some mobile editors, they might create a new changeset for every single edit. So, again, not a good measure.

A better measure, if you are really into this, is Map Changes. You can see them here, for example:

Finally, it seems you created this topic because you received comments in your changesets. I read all of them, and it seems Mario and Jesus were really polite to you (although I don’t have access to Telegram Panamá).

At the same time, it looks to me you are not using changesets comments properly (despite Mario linking you the wiki page), and your edits seems quite off to me.

Really normal to a novice user, and we just learn doing it, reviewing it, and learning from others. However, it seems you’re not receiving well tips from fellow mappers.

If you’re keeping this behavior, I don’t see how you’ll improve at mapping, unfortunately.

PS.: Jesús is a member of the Data Working Group. Due to his position, it is very fair to say that he knows how to map properly, and I would try to learn from him :slight_smile:


hola y bienvenido también al sitio “community” de OSM.

Solo como ayuda técnica al uso de esta plataforma:

  • si quieres mencionar otros miembros de la comunidad, deberías hacerlo en la forma @jeslop y @mariotomo , así que los usuarios en cuestión sean informados de la mención.
    así como lo hiciste, a través de enlaces externos, la plataforma no lo reconoce.

  • me promoviste a miembro del staff de editores? :wink: sólo soy un editor como cualquiera.

  • tras el botón :globe_with_meridians: la plataforma provee traducción automática, del idioma del escritor al idioma del lector. no es necesaria la traducción manual.
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