PTNA: news for Public Transport Network Analysis

I just added gtfs analysis to ptna for

From my point of view, the GTFS does not follow the GTFS recommendations:

  • each route (route_id) represents exactly one shape/path/route with several trips (trip_id) providing service at different hours:minutes but follow the same path
  • each of the routes can be seen as a route variant in OSM terms
  • have a look at tram ‘2’ in IL-MOT

PTNA will complain when each route variant in OSM has it’s own gtfs:route_id and the route_master does not have a gtfs:route_id. This can be solved by adding a new analysis option, skipping this kind of test. But: GTFS is wrong/strange here. I’ve seen that also for PL-24-ZTM-Katowice.

@NeatNit @skyper @spaanse @idshklein public-transport