PTNA: news for Public Transport Network Analysis

I added analysis of public-transport for

to ptna.

More is on its way, follow also dsscussions on Public Transport Network Analysis - Estonia

gtfs - EE-GTFS for the state of Estonia is now also available

I added GTFS analysis gtfs of public-transport for

to ptna.

@Patchi : could you please check the license stuff?

I check the license and usage conditions. As it runs under ODbL (as OpenStreetMap) one should mention the source. On the provider page the source to cite is provided:
Source : STAR Data Explore/Rennes Métropole
Now I don’t know exactly where you can put it. Maybe as name of the owner (and keep the current link) and Comment on data or License given for use in OSM.

Thank you again for adding this GTFS network to PTNA.

Great, I can put it into the second column (currently: “Star” + link") and also on “License given for use in OSM” in the GTFS details page.

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I just added analysis of public-transport for

to ptna

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I just added analysis of public-transport for

to ptna based on GitHub issue 103 and community discussion “Proposal - RIPTA Import

PTNA server is experiencing high server load (> 85%).

Analysis tasks take 5-6 times longer than usual.

Analysis which should have been finalized at ~ 4 AM is still in waiting queue @ 6:40 PM :frowning:

Server is back to normal load :smiley:


Yesterday and today I added analysis of public-transport for

to ptna based on community discussions “Àrees de transport (network:guid)” and " Algemeen Openbaar Vervoer (NL)-topic" - start @ contribution #45

Many more will follow during the next days, stay tuned.

gtfs data for the Netherlands is already available (as a single feed: NL-Nationaal)

I just added analysis of public-transport for

to ptna based on request via PM

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I just added analysis of public-transport for

to ptna based on a pull request on GitHub Add TBM Network : Urban Transportation Network in Bordeaux

NL - Nederland I just added 7 more analysis of public-transport for

  • NL-GE-* (4)
  • NL-NH-* (3)

to ptna

@spaanse @IIVQ

NL - Nederland I just added 3 more analysis of public-transport for

  • NL-NH-*

to ptna

NL - Nederland I just added 5 more analysis of public-transport for

  • NL-ZH-*

to ptna

More to come step-by-step, slowly as I’m working on a GTFS/OSM comparison solution (on trip/route level).

I just released the next version of GTFS/OSM comparison into the wild:


I added analysis of public-transport for

I also added gtfs analysis for


I added analysis of public-transport for

I also added/fixed gtfs access to GTFS feeds for

There are some additional new features for the GTFS/OSM comparison


I just added analysis of public-transport for

to ptna


I just added analysis of public-transport for

to ptna

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Today I added analysis of public-transport for

to ptna

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