Proposed Import of Roads in and around Irkutsk Oblast, Russia

Hello mappers, I am proposing to import a roads dataset in and around Irkutsk Oblast, Russia, sourced from George Washington University.


This is the wiki page for the import:
Sample data download is available here:


I have checked that this data is compatible with the ODbL.
This data is distributed under CC-PDDC.


This project aims to import mostly informal roads used by indigenous peoples in the Irkutsk Oblast, Russia area. Very little roads currently exist in OSM for this area. These data were created as part of a community-engaged research project out of the George Washington University.

The vector road data were created as shapefiles using ArcGIS Pro using winter satellite images (2014-2020) from GeoEye and WorldView now Maxar.

In total the data are about 29.4MB in size. Using ArcGIS Pro and QGIS the data were edited and validated for topological and attribute accuracy. Any existing OSM data in this dataset were removed and the existing attributes were mapped to OSM tags as noted in the import wiki above. JOSM, will be used to manually parse and import the data to OSM.

А где взять полный дамп, а не пример?

Я смотрю на сетку из дорог в лесу и не вижу их на снимке. А жирную лесную дорогу, которую хорошо видно, в данных нет. Так же видимые просеки почему-то обрываются.

Ещё меня смущают сроки, почему в сентябре уже всё заканчивается, а на самом деле всё только началось?

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И неплохо бы показать результат импорта в песочнице

Потому что то, что получилось сейчас, вызывает большие вопросы Changeset: 155983422 | OpenStreetMap

Ещё вопрос по лицензии. Есть ли разрешение от поставщиков спутниковых снимков на автоматическое распознавание их снимков?

Я не могу найти, каков источник данных. На странице импорта написано:

Data source site: No website available. Extract of the shapefile containing the informal roads can be found here.

при этом со слова “here” никаких ссылок нет

И еще: вот это All data that already exists in OSM was removed. на странице импорта - это вообще что такое? что вы собрались удалять из базы?

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На уроках английского я конечно рисовал картинки, поэтому я не до конца осознал эту фразу, что же будет удалено?

Если как пишет @literan, всё удалить и импортировать с чистого листа, то я выступаю против и даже теперь вникать не собираюсь.

As other contributors have already said, that is a “very unusual” (read as “wrong”) approach. Importers are expected to conflate data. If as you say there is very little road data there, that shouldn’t be hard to do?

Edit: actually suggests NO deletion of existing data, and the import would merely “fill in gaps”. As also noted above, many other parts of the import document seem to be broken links.

Thank you for all the comments. I’m working to address all of your concerns and will post a reply soon. Thank you for your patience.

Thank you again for all the comments. This is my first time attempting a large import so I really appreciate how active this community is and your comments. I’ll do my best to clarify and address your concerns below.

For clarity, during this process no data are being removed from OSM. This import will only add to OSM road data that does not yet exist in the database. My comment on removing OSM data is referring to the dataset that our people created, not the existing data of OSM. If you think I should keep the existing OSM data in my dataset during import, I’m happy to include it.

The imagery was acquired from the Polar Geospatial Center for the project supported by the National Science Foundation (award #1748092). Winter time scenes from GeoEye-1,Worldview-1, -2, and -3 were used for the tracing. This enabled the roads to be easily distinguishable through tree canopies, due to the high spectral reflectance. Per the usage guidelines these data are derived products and these products are not considered licensed material. I’ve updated the project wiki with this website.

I’ve also updated the timeline to end in October. I hope to have this concluded by then. I’ve re-established the broken links and I’ll work on getting the full dataset up and available as soon as I can. Thanks!

Я посмотрел лицензию на исходные данные. Там указано:

Prohibited Activities:

  • Sharing or copying of imagery for purposes outside of the scope of the award
  • Sharing of imagery with collaborators not funded under the award or collaborators at non-U.S. institutions
  • Using the imagery after the term of an award has expired
  • Posting the imagery to a public website without access controls
  • Sharing the imagery or imagery derived products with anyone planning to sell it or use it for commercial gain

а мы в OSM именно в коммерческих целях будем ваши данные использовать. Так что, похоже, импорт отменяется.

Data source site: No website available. Extract of the shapefile containing the informal roads can be found here.

Я пошел по этой ссылке. Мне предложили заполнить огромную анкету, и написали, что у меня 14-дневный бесплатный период, а далее мне нужно платить. Есть ли возможность выложить данные (или пример данных) куда-то, где не будет таких сложностей, а также необходимости платить?

Apologies for not catching that. I should have realized that and gone back to the Principle Investigators for this funded research. The PIs have since provided me with the license agreement which directly aligns with the original proposal funded by NSF and our promises for sharing with larger communities.
I’ve updated the wiki with the relevant parts of that license agreement, see paragraph 1d.
I’ve changed the permissions for the sample data link. Anyone should now be able to access it.