Proposed Import of Roads around Irkutsk Oblast, Russia

Hello mappers, I am proposing to import a roads dataset in and around, sourced from George Washington University.


This is the wiki page for my import:
Sample data download is available here:


I have checked that this data is compatible with the ODbL.
This data is distributed under CC-PDDC.


This project aims to import mostly informal roads used by indigenous peoples in the Irkutsk Oblast, Russia area. Very little roads currently exist in OSM for this area. These data were created as part of a community-engaged research project out of the George Washington University.

The vector road data were created as shapefiles using ArcGIS Pro using winter satellite images (2014-2020) from Maxar.

In total the data are about 29.4MB in size. Using ArcGIS Pro and QGIS the data were edited and validated for topological and attribute accuracy. Any existing OSM data in this dataset were removed and the existing attributes were mapped to OSM tags as noted in the import wiki above. JOSM, will be used to manually parse and import the data to OSM.

Hey there: looks like there were no objections. I read on the wiki that you had planned to finish the work by August. Is that now complete?

Looks like a nice project.

it’s complete now I have just checked.

The import is not complete. I just updated the timeline on the wiki to reflect this. Thanks.