Yup – I’m still here but just put this discussion on pause for myself while I massage a few other areas of my own website to adjust for how I was approaching this before.
Currently San Francisco, Denver, Broomfield, and Nantucket (the four single-entity CCCs in the contiguous US) show border_type=county;city
(and border_type=county;town
) in OSM.
Using San Francisco as a template, I’ve also ensured Wikidata reflected the following for Broomfield, Denver, and Nantucket*:
- Relation with state:
– California contains San Francisco
– California contains San Francisco County with a deprecated rank
– San Francisco is located in California
– San Francisco County is located in California
- Relation with single-entity county and city:
– San Francisco is located in San Francisco County with a deprecated rank
– San Francisco County contains San Francisco
– San Francisco coextensive with San Francisco County
– San Francisco County coextensive with San Francisco
– San Francisco said to be the same as San Francisco County
– San Francisco County said to be the same as San Francisco
The naive user might still be confused, but hopefully that leaves enough breadcrumbs for them to follow to make sense of the situation before changing any of the values. The Wikipedia article could also be polished a little to better reflect these “single-entity” CCCs as well.
I think the above needs to be outlined in the OSM wiki, although I recognize it’s a little bit out of scope. However, it would greatly reduce the confusion for my humble constituents – the naive users.
What I thought was still being discussed for these four single-entity CCCs is whether they are admin_level=6
or admin_level=8
, but perhaps I misunderstood.
My vote, given how it’s currently presented in Wikidata and our discussion here, is that admin_level=6
be used, the same of the ICs, which I think should stay admin_level=6
as well.
A naive user coming from Wikidata would have just seen San Francisco listed directly under California and then in OSM see either admin_level=6
and have that impression confirmed or admin_level=8
and be confused.
*= In Wikidata, there’s a lot of conflation between Nantucket the island and Nantucket the CCC, which is made more confusing by the single-entity CCC status of Nantucket. I’ll eventually try to straighten that out.
If I can get clarification on the admin_level
for these four then I’ll confirm or update those in OSM and update those in wiki table as being done and start on some verbiage in the wiki to explain those.
I think following that we should shoot for some easy wins
- The “double-entity” CCCs: probably straightforward and I assume we’ll confirm what’s existent in OSM right now, which are separate county and city entities in OSM and tagged as such
- The independent cities: again, probably straightforward with the
following whatever we decide on the single-entity CCCs
- The Alaska “City and Borough of XXX” single-entity CCCs: again, probably easy since I expect they’ll mirror the above single-entity decision, but I’d just need to take time to confirm/update everything
Washington DC
Although Washington DC was slightly out of scope for the CCC thread, I would personally vote for it to be admin_level=6
so that the entire US (at least the 50 states and DC) would be covered in a blanket of admin_level=4
and admin_level=6
, but I don’t see anyone else advocating for that or saying anything along the lines as an “admin_level
On a slight tangent, I think we should have a separate discussion about the Unorganized Borough and the census areas it contains. Currently they’re all admin_level=6
, which gives a bunch of admin_level=6
areas within an admin_level=6
. I was thinking that was a foul, but perhaps not.