Proposed automatic edit (in Belgium): memorial:type=stolperstein > memorial=stolperstein

According to the wiki a stolperstein needs to be tagged as a memorial=stolperstein.

There are still some stolpersteine in Belgium that are tagged as memorial:type=stolperstein

I propose an automatic edit so that all the stolpersteine in Belgium are tagged as memorial=stolperstein

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Good suggestion, do it.

But we may have another problem with stolpersteins, as it turns out that a large number of them come from a user who scraped a copyrighted database on a website and never answered when questionned about this (Changeset: 80500530 | OpenStreetMap, Changeset: 82204725 | OpenStreetMap).

What do you propose? In some cases, it was just a simple tag addition. In some cases it comes from yet another website: . If they were new and still at version one, we could delete (and create a Note?). If they were new but not at version 1 anymore, what do we do?
Or do we simply ask DWG to redact the changeset? (which will likely result in losing stuff like image links)

(EDIT: the total number of new ones coming from this changeset is rather limited)