Proposal to add the 🍿 emoji as a reaction

I don’t think we have one, and other than a question mark emoji I can’t think of a suitable emoji right away.

That’s also my interpretation.


No suffix emoji, but in such cases being on W10, I use the Windows+dot combo to get a broad selection to plant in the text, type the emotion in the question box and a selection is offered,


popcorn inclusive, anything with pop.


i.e. I don’t care if there or not and real quick :O)))

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@ZeLonewolf Z, was in our local Discount / $2 store yesterday, & spotted something I thought you’d appreciate! :rofl:

Phone included for scale - they’re big!

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This matter clearly needs to be escalated to the OSMF board !!!

PS: I can’t help chuckling at the poetic justice of all of this.


In any case I believe what we clearly need in this discussion is some clarity about what is even being asked for, so “I”'ve created this application form that should allow for a more complete evaluation of @ZeLonewolf’s request and future ones and a more structured discussion.

OpenStreetMap Community Forums - New Reaction Emoji Application Form

Personal Information:

  1. Full Name:
  2. Username/Handle:
  3. Email Address:
  4. Forum Profile Link (if applicable):
  5. OpenStreetMap Contributor ID (if available):

Proposal Details:

  1. Proposed Emoji Description:
  2. Explain the significance of the proposed emoji for the OpenStreetMap community forums:
  3. How will this emoji enhance communication within the community forums?
  4. Have you discussed this proposal with other forum members? If yes, provide feedback received:
  5. How frequently do you anticipate this emoji will be used in forum discussions?

Emoji Design:

  1. Provide a sketch or description of the proposed emoji design:
  2. Have you obtained permission to use any copyrighted material in the proposed design? If yes, please provide details:
  3. Is the proposed emoji design inclusive and culturally sensitive?

Technical Specifications:

  1. Preferred File Format (e.g., PNG, SVG):
  2. Recommended Size (in pixels):
  3. Color Palette:
  4. Accessibility Considerations (e.g., contrast ratio, readability):

Community Impact:

  1. How do you foresee the community reacting to the introduction of this emoji?
  2. Will the proposed emoji promote positive interactions and inclusivity within the forums?
  3. Potential challenges in implementing the proposed emoji and how you plan to address them:

Usage Guidelines:

  1. Proposed Usage Guidelines for the emoji:
  2. Restrictions on the usage of the emoji:
  3. Will the emoji be subject to periodic review and potential removal? If yes, specify the review process:

Feedback and Evaluation:

  1. How will you gather feedback on the usage of the emoji once implemented?
  2. Metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of the emoji in fostering community engagement:
  3. Will there be mechanisms in place to address misuse or abuse of the emoji?

Legal and Copyright:

  1. Do you assert ownership of the proposed emoji design? If yes, are you granting the community the right to use it freely?
  2. Indemnification: Agree to indemnify and hold harmless OpenStreetMap and its affiliates from any claims arising from the use of the proposed emoji.

Additional Information:

  1. Any additional information relevant to your proposal:


I, [Applicant’s Full Name], hereby declare that the information provided in this application form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false statements may result in the rejection of my proposal.

[Applicant’s Signature]

[Submit Button]



Would not budge for a nanometer as then the OFLHMB will be on the next application form. A minimalist set of emoji’s is fine and else, I’ve already demonstrated how with a flick of the wrist any from systems build-in Windows can do a wide scala. Other systems no doubt have similar.

OSM uses British English spelling


What’s the retention policy regarding this PPPII? If my application is rejected, will my request to be forgotten be met with sweetness or saltiness?


Simon’s request is completely appropriate, and I provide my responses below.

OpenStreetMap Community Forums - New Reaction Emoji Application Form

Personal Information:

  1. Full Name: Brian Sperlongano
  2. Username/Handle: ZeLonewolf
  3. Email Address:
  4. Forum Profile Link:
  5. OpenStreetMap Contributor ID: 219297

Proposal Details:

  1. Proposed Emoji Description:

The :popcorn: emoji graphically represents a classic box or container of popcorn, depicted as overflowing with puffed, white popcorn kernels. The container is typically red and white striped, mimicking the traditional style seen in movie theaters and carnivals. The popcorn itself is shown in shades of white and yellow, indicating the popped kernels, with a slight buttery appearance to convey a sense of realism and appeal.

  1. Explain the significance of the proposed emoji for the OpenStreetMap community forums:

The :popcorn: emoji carries cultural and social significance, drawing from common uses of the emoji in broader internet and social media contexts to represent a snack associated with movie watching and entertainment in general. Also, there have been some batshit crazy threads lately and we really need this emoji to react to them.

  1. How will this emoji enhance communication within the community forums?

The :popcorn: emoji is useful in a community setting to express several concepts not currently provided for with the existing slate of emoji:

Entertainment Value - :popcorn: is often used to denote that someone finds a discussion or situation entertaining, akin to watching a movie or show. It could be used to indicate that a thread or comment is particularly engaging or amusing, without necessarily contributing directly to the conversation.

Observation without Participation - it can signal that a user is following a discussion with interest but doesn’t wish to participate directly. This can be particularly relevant in heated debates or controversial topics where users want to signify their interest without getting involved.

Anticipation - just as people eat :popcorn: while watching something unfold, using the popcorn emoji could indicate antiicipation of future developments in a discussion or situation within the community.

Community Culture - incorporating such an emoji into the forum’s reaction options could contribute to a unique community culture, making interactions more informal and expressive. It could help lighten the mood in discussions and foster a sense of camaraderie among users.

  1. Have you discussed this proposal with other forum members? If yes, provide feedback received:

Yes. See discussion above as well as this and this forum thread demonstrating clear community support. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive except for a few unnamed curmudgeons who hate fun.

  1. How frequently do you anticipate this emoji will be used in forum discussions?

The :popcorn: emoji has seen an explosion in popularity recently, es evidenced by a forum keyword search for :popcorn:. Some of these usages aren’t even from me.

Emoji Design:

  1. Provide a sketch or description of the proposed emoji design:


  1. Have you obtained permission to use any copyrighted material in the proposed design? If yes, please provide details:

The :popcorn: reaction is bundled with Discourse. If Discourse’s provided emoji violate copyright, then we have a bigger problem on our hands

  1. Is the proposed emoji design inclusive and culturally sensitive?

The :popcorn: emoji is broadly considered to be inclusive and culturally sensitive for several reasons:

Universal appeal: Popcorn is a snack enjoyed worldwide, across many cultures, especially in contexts related to entertainment such as movies and circuses. The emoji’s depiction does not favor a specific cultural practice but instead references a global experience.

Natural Imagery: The design focuses on the snack itself, avoiding any imagery that could be tied to specific cultural, religious, or ethnic symbols that might exclude or offend certain groups.

Entertainment Symbol: Given its association with enjoyment and leisure activities, the popcorn emoji carries a positive connotation that is generally non-controversial and widely acceptable.

However, the concept of inclusivity and cultural sensitivity can be compex, as perceptions vary greatly among different cultures and individuals. While the design is largely seen as neutral and broadly representative, it’s always possible that some aspects of emoji designs could be interpreted in unexpected ways by different communities. The key to the emoji’s inclusivity lies in its simplicity and its focus on a universally recognized snack without embedding specific cultural references or stereotypes.

Technical Specifications:

This section of the application is omitted because, as noted above, this emoji is already built into the forum software.

Community Impact:

  1. How do you forsee the community reacting to the introduction of this emoji?

Its introduction will contribute to a lighter, more relaxed forum atmosphere. This might make discussions, especially on contentious topics, feel less intense and more open, attracting users who prefer a less confrontational online experience.

  1. Will the proposed emoji promote positive interactions and inclusivity within the forums?

The potential to promote positive interactions and inclusivity is largely dependent on how community members choose to use it.

By offering a playful and light-hearted way for users to express that they find a discussion interesting or entertaining, the emoji can add a layer of nuance to online interactions. A shared understanding of when and how to use the emoji can foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie among community members. It can serve as an in-group signal for observing discussions with mutual interest.

  1. Potential challenges in implementing the proposed emoji and how you plan to address them:

The biggest challenge is in convincing the no-fun authorities that :popcorn: is a good idea. I have attempted to badger them into submission, but so far, the authorities have resisted.

Usage Guidelines:

  1. Proposed Usage Guidelines for the emoji:

If you were about to say something snarky in response to a post, consider :popcorn: instead.

  1. Restrictions on the usage of the emoji:

Be nice. If someone is posting about a famine in some part of the world, that would not be the time to use the :popcorn: emoji.

  1. Will the emoji be subject to periodic review and potential removal? If yes, specify the review process:

If :popcorn: was hard to add to the forums, likewise it should be hard to remove

Feedback and Evaluation:

  1. How will you gather feedback on the usage of the emoji once implemented?

Count up all the :popcorn:. If it’s growing, drama is increasing. If it’s declining, the forums might be getting stoodgy and boring.

  1. Metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of the emoji in fostering community engagement:

A histogram chart listing :popcorn: reactions to @SimonPoole’s posts over time seems like it would be a fine way to start the data collection process.

  1. Will there be mechanisms in place to address misuse or abuse of the emoji?

The current forum moderation team is doing a fine job of policing :popcorn: abuse, except for that one time that two of my :popcorn: posts got deleted and some people got mad about it.

Legal and Copyright:

  1. Do you assert ownership of the proposed emoji design? If yes, are you granting the community the right to use it freely?

Not applicable, as it is built into Discourse. However, I do own the domain and will transfer ownership to the OSMF upon request in accordance with the OSMF trademark policy.

  1. Indemnification: Agree to indemnify and hold harmless OpenStreetMap and its affiliates from any claims arising from the use of the proposed emoji.

Yeah, yeah, sure.

Additional Information:

  1. Any additional information relevant to your proposal:



I, Brian “popcorn guy” Sperlongano, hereby declare that the information provided in this application form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false statements may result in the rejection of my proposal.

:popcorn::popcorn: :popcorn:
February 23, 2024


Thank you @ZeLonewolf for completing the form, there is however still a further step needed, determining the members of the Reaction Emoji Evaluation Committee and the associated remit documents.

The NREAF ( New Reaction Emoji Application Form) will have to be re-submitted to the REEC once it has been constituted by the OSMF board. We expect that to happen in a foreseeable time frame once the OSMF budgetary process has completed.

Thank you for your understanding.

That’s a shame, because right now there is a dumpster fire burning yet again about razed and dismantled railways, and the need for :popcorn: reactions has never been stronger.

Edit: and this one and this one and this one and this one and this one and this one and this one and this one and this one.


I was really hoping one of the “this one”s was going to be recursive.


Can Slice0 be banned from the forum already? We already banned them from Discord months ago and their behaviour is still very toxic, uncooperative and out of touch with the community.


Since some people here have concerns about the cultural inappropriateness of the popcorn emoji, I would like to chip in my personal opinion about the topic. As a person hailing from Vietnam, which is a developing country and had fought devastating wars with France and United States in history, I can confirm that the popcorn emoji is very culturally neutral. Also, it might be surprising to a few people, but we do made popcorns in Vietnam.

image source: BĂ  TĂąn Vlog lĂ m nia bỏng ngĂŽ khổng lồ với chiáșżc vung cháșŁo tá»± cháșż


But seriously, isn’t it that hard to just test the popcorn emoji for 2 weeks? This is a classic case of decision paralysis.


I see that the emoji is showing keen enthusiasm in the topic, maybe it is ok to add up.

Thank you for your support chatgpt spam account!


I know this has been fruitlessly argued about at length. But I’ll write this here as it seems the most relevant thread

Regardless of whether :popcorn: is added as a reaction option, I regularly see comments essentially saying “Break out the popcorn for the drama”. On a silly discussion this is fine, but from my perspective this sentiment often makes me think of “the group in the corner, whispering and snickering at you on show-and-tell day”. They don’t take you seriously. They make you feel stupid for asking a question, expressing a concern, or sharing an idea you care about.

Please, before making a comment like this, read the room and consider the shaky newbie, dipping their toe into OSM and its community, who might feel ridiculed by it.


Bear in mind that this reaction may at times be entirely appropriate, in cases where a repeat offender doubles down over and over. Or in cases where someone doesn’t like the answer they got in another OSM communication space.

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well 30 seconds after I made that comment this happened Regarding removeal of manoeuvre relation - Communities / Oceania - OpenStreetMap Community Forum it kind of validates it to be honest. You’re the only one that can see drama when its a fundamental flaw of the project. Believe me if I cared about what you or anyone thought of me on a personal level I would have left the project months ago. If you cant see I care about the map and the accuracy of the data then you are naive.