I’ve been discussing a tagging issue in the Italian community Telegram group, and I’d like to bring it to the international community for input.
Currently, there doesn’t seem to be a specific tag to indicate bike racks that include an integrated lock or locking mechanism. This feature is important to map, as it can be very useful for cyclists looking for secure parking options.
Has anyone faced this issue before, or is there an existing tagging scheme that I might have overlooked? If not, would it make sense to propose a new tag, such as amenity=bicycle_parking combined with something like locking_mechanism=yes? I’d love to hear your thoughts or suggestions for alternatives.
There’s locked= in general, but that would be unclear whether it means the entire parking lot is locked as mentioned for =shed , or these individual stands. authentifcation:*= would have the same issue. Key:bicycle_parking - OpenStreetMap Wiki
Would like to point out that the stands are adjacent to a charging point for e-bikes / speed_pedelecs, in my humble opinion are intended for bicycles while being recharged, rather than as ordinary lockable bike stand.
Main function of locking your bicycle to anything is to make it harder for opportunistic thieves to just walk off with the cycle: they’d need to have a suitable chain cutter on them - thus this stand wouldn’t be for long-term unattended parking; although, in addition, one can use one’s own lock to secure the bike to one of the legs of the stand.
= = =
Which leaves adding something like what was initially the Dutch Insurers’ Federation ART 1/2/3 star appraisal for bicycle locks - now up to five stars, and including motorcycles ; there are similar rating systems by ABUS , AXA and others.
Which means OSM can incorporate a tag like for example lockable:class:AXA=7 :ABUS=10 or :ART=2
Whether any of the public charging stands offer more than the most basic thwarting of ‘walk-away’ thefts is debatable, but not in the scope of the OP’s question.