Proper tagging for multi-use, multi-address building

I’m creating/tagging a building in my neighborhood, which has a strange setup. The “left” half is an apartment. The “right” half is a sandwich shop/convenience store. Both parts have a different address. This brings up a few questions for me:

  • Is this “building:apartments”?
  • Do I use “addr:housenumber: 1,2” on the building “way”?
  • If I do it that way, do I omit the “addr:housenumber” tag on the POI node I’ll be creating for the shop?
  • If I don’t do it that way, is the answer to only do the apartment’s “addr:housenumber” on the building “way” and have the shop’s “addr:housenumber” tag in the node itself?

Thanks in advance for the clarification!

I’d use and add addresses to these nodes.

Regarding building-type: Can you post a link to a picture of the building?

I’ll go read up on that

Hm, it looks like it can be clearly separated. I would probably draw two seperate buildings, with the connecting(glued) walls and add the adress to the way. Adding the adress as two nodes is also possible and tagging the adress on the entry-node - it would be even better in my opinion.