I am using OSM2World to create a 3D traffic simulation. I plan to move the vehicles by following waypoint routes. These waypoints are created from OSM files. The .objs generated by OSM2World are quite impressive, but I think there is some problem with precision. I checked if the distance bewteen 2 points in the .obj file is the same as the distance in Google Maps, and it’s not. The waypoints I generate from the OSM file are not aligned with the 3d model, so the vehicles won’t move on the roads.
I have read this thread of 5 years ago https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?id=22336 and I’m trying to do what the user vinnieb said in his last message: I’m using jcoord library to perform the conversion bewteen latitude and longitude and Mercator projections.
So far, I have modified the MetricMapProjection.java class. I have modified the calcPos and setOrigin methods using the jcoord library. This is the code
package org.osm2world.core.map_data.creation;
import static org.osm2world.core.map_data.creation.MercatorProjection.*;
import org.osm2world.core.math.VectorXZ;
import uk.me.jstott.jcoord.LatLng;
import uk.me.jstott.jcoord.UTMRef;
* Map projection that is intended to use the "dense" space
* of floating point values by making all coordinates relative to
* the origin. 1 meter distance is roughly represented by 1 internal unit.
public class MetricMapProjection extends OriginMapProjection {
private double originX;
private double originY;
private double scaleFactor;
public VectorXZ calcPos(double lat, double lon) {
if (origin == null) throw new IllegalStateException("the origin needs to be set first");
//double x = lonToX(lat, lon) * scaleFactor - originX;
//double y = latToY(lat, lon) * scaleFactor - originY;
LatLng coord=new LatLng(lat,lon);
UTMRef mercator=coord.toUTMRef();
double x = mercator.getEasting();
double y = mercator.getNorthing();
/* snap to som cm precision, seems to reduce geometry exceptions */
x = Math.round(x * 1000) / 1000.0d;
y = Math.round(y * 1000) / 1000.0d;
return new VectorXZ(x, y); // x and z(!) are 2d here
public VectorXZ calcPos(LatLon latlon) {
return calcPos(latlon.lat, latlon.lon);
public double calcLat(VectorXZ pos) {
if (origin == null) throw new IllegalStateException("the origin needs to be set first");
return yToLat((pos.z + originY) / scaleFactor);
public double calcLon(VectorXZ pos) {
if (origin == null) throw new IllegalStateException("the origin needs to be set first");
return xToLon((pos.x + originX) / scaleFactor);
public VectorXZ getNorthUnit() {
return VectorXZ.Z_UNIT;
public void setOrigin(LatLon origin) {
//this.scaleFactor = earthCircumference(origin.lat);
//this.originY = latToY(origin.lat, origin.lon) * scaleFactor;
//this.originX = lonToX(origin.lon, origin.lat) * scaleFactor;
LatLng coord=new LatLng(origin.lat,origin.lon);
UTMRef mercator=coord.toUTMRef();
this.originX = mercator.getEasting();
this.originY = mercator.getNorthing();
I was able to generate the .obj but some parts of the terrain were missing. I also got these exceptions.
No parameters, running graphical interface.
If you want to use the command line, use the --help parameter for a list of available parameters.
FPSAnimator P1:Thread[main-FPSAWTAnimator-Timer0,5,main]: Task[thread Thread[main-FPSAWTAnimator-Timer0,5,main], stopped false, paused false shouldRun true, shouldStop false -- started true, animating true, paused false, drawable 1, drawablesEmpty false]
ignored exception:
org.osm2world.core.math.InvalidGeometryException: a polygon's area must be positive, but it's 0.0 for this polygon.
This problem can be caused by broken polygon data or imprecise calculations
Polygon vertices: [(289104.7191349752,4721275.396499669), (289101.9460918575,4721281.91251892), (289101.9460918576,4721281.91251892), (289104.7191349752,4721275.396499669)]
at org.osm2world.core.math.SimplePolygonXZ.assertNonzeroArea(SimplePolygonXZ.java:328)
at org.osm2world.core.math.SimplePolygonXZ.calculateArea(SimplePolygonXZ.java:48)
at org.osm2world.core.math.SimplePolygonXZ.getArea(SimplePolygonXZ.java:62)
at org.osm2world.core.math.PolygonWithHolesXZ.getArea(PolygonWithHolesXZ.java:139)
at org.osm2world.core.math.PolygonWithHolesXZ.<init>(PolygonWithHolesXZ.java:24)
at org.osm2world.core.math.JTSConversionUtil.polygonXZFromJTSPolygon(JTSConversionUtil.java:92)
at org.osm2world.core.math.JTSConversionUtil.polygonsXZFromJTSGeometry(JTSConversionUtil.java:115)
at org.osm2world.core.math.algorithms.CAGUtil.subtractPolygons(CAGUtil.java:73)
at org.osm2world.core.world.modules.SurfaceAreaModule$SurfaceArea.getTriangulationXZ(SurfaceAreaModule.java:256)
at org.osm2world.core.world.data.AbstractAreaWorldObject.getEleConnectors(AbstractAreaWorldObject.java:54)
at org.osm2world.core.world.data.AbstractAreaWorldObject.getEleConnectors(AbstractAreaWorldObject.java:1)
at org.osm2world.core.ConversionFacade$1.perform(ConversionFacade.java:380)
at org.osm2world.core.ConversionFacade$1.perform(ConversionFacade.java:1)
at org.osm2world.core.util.FaultTolerantIterationUtil.iterate(FaultTolerantIterationUtil.java:20)
at org.osm2world.core.ConversionFacade.calculateElevations(ConversionFacade.java:376)
at org.osm2world.core.ConversionFacade.createRepresentations(ConversionFacade.java:309)
at org.osm2world.viewer.model.Data.loadOSMData(Data.java:70)
at org.osm2world.viewer.control.actions.AbstractLoadOSMAction$LoadOSMThread.run(AbstractLoadOSMAction.java:83)
this exception occurred for the following input:
I’m very new to mapping software and I don’t know if I am doing the changes in the correct places, so any help or information is appreciated.
Thanks to anyone who reads this.