I have a issue in a JOSM preset file.
How do I search in de filecode the issue?
Find the spot of the faillure. Syntax failure.
a group syntax problem
from Tagging Preset Tester.
I have a issue in a JOSM preset file.
How do I search in de filecode the issue?
Find the spot of the faillure. Syntax failure.
a group syntax problem
from Tagging Preset Tester.
You aren’t giving me enough information.
If it isn’t in the JOSM preset list, you can try starting JOSM via the command line and see what prints out to console when you add the preset.
If it is in the JOSM preset list, we have an integration test that runs every so often that will find the issues.
You are missing a </group>
end tag after a <group>
start tag. Should be easy to find. If not, any XML lint tool should show you more details for that type of error.
Found it.
Looking at lint kolom, I did that, also earlier.
But I have 292 groups in the file.
Should be nice if pointed to the linenumber of the problem.
At first you do not know, what de problem is.
I asked myself, how do others search a issue. Tips, tricks.
I use Notepad+++
Still learning.
It was in the JOSM preset list.
I start Josm always with a .bat file.
Looked in the bat.txt file
But that is the last lines.
run it through an XML validator
this kind of issue should be found by anything that is an XML validator
not sure is parser used by JOSM capable of doing nice erorr loggging like this, I guess that filing a feature request (if something like that was not requested already) would not harm anyone
Tipp: if you have larger files always keep the previous working version and call diff in case of an error. Much easier to find an error when only looking at the changes. I believe your editor has a diff function included.
And then later you will decide a version control system like git or svn is helpful to keep old versions…
I used compare plugin.
But I zip de file together with the images and open this zipfile in JOSM, then you see it is working or not.