Potentially problematic edits in Lottstetten

Whilst looking for other vandalism, I recently stumbled across some edits by a now-deleted user, some of which seem problematic. The changes to this node in this changeset seem unlikely (the many payment methods, and also the website). The changesets by this user are:

    id     | num_changes | comment
 142796541 |         170 | Kreisverkehr im neuen Industriegebiet in Lostetten hinzugefügt. Zukünftiges Industrieg    ebiet hinzugefügt. Straßen in Lottstetten Korrigiert. Geschlossene Restaurants und Bars in Lottstetten entfernt
 142797057 |           2 | Specify road surfaces
 142798260 |           1 | Specify road surfaces
 142798266 |           1 | Survey if places still exist
 142798299 |           2 | Survey opening hours
 142798357 |           1 | Specify drinking water types
 142819332 |          83 | Kreisverkehr  beim neuen Industriegebiet in Lottstetten überarbeitet, genauere Infos z    u Industrigebiet "Hinter der Kappele" hinzugefügt
 142853972 |           4 | Updated a hotel and a greengrocer shop; Confirmed a pub and a convenience shop
 142854089 |           1 | Created a nightclub
 142856834 |         133 | Geschlossene Geschäfte in Lottstetten entfernt, Ackerland auserhalb von Lottstetten hi    nzugefügt
 142879578 |           8 | Updated a nightclub; Confirmed 2 place_of_worships, a
 wetland, and 4 other objects
 142879619 |           2 | Confirmed a car_repair shop and a kitchen shop
 142915526 |           1 | Survey whether benches have backrests
 142915532 |           1 | Specify whether steps have handrails
 142915577 |           2 | Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving
 142915610 |           1 | Determine the heights of kerbs at crossings
 142915555 |           2 | Specify what can be recycled in recycling containers
 142915629 |           5 | Survey opening hours
 142915537 |           2 | Specify parking types
 142915747 |           1 | Specify maximum allowed weights
 142915754 |           1 | Specify whether pedestrian crossings have islands
 142915763 |           1 | Specify crossing types
 142915767 |           1 | Specify path surfaces
 142915825 |           1 | Specify power poles material type
 142915832 |           1 | Survey if places (shops and other shop-like) still exist
 142915694 |           4 | Specify whether public transport stops have benches
 142915843 |           3 | Specify whether public transport stops have shelters
 142915856 |           3 | Specify whether public transport stops have bins
 142915866 |           3 | Specify whether public transport stops have tactile paving
 142915900 |           1 | Specify whether steps have a ramp
 142915916 |           1 | Specify which way leads up for steps
 142915873 |           3 | Add whether public transport stops are lit
 142916093 |           1 | Specify parking access
 142916099 |           1 | Specify whether parking requires a fee
 142916116 |           1 | Specify toilet fees
 142916120 |           1 | Specify wheelchair accessibility of toilets
 142915734 |           2 | Specify bridge structures
 142916105 |           3 | Survey if places still exist
 142915718 |           5 | Specify building types
 142916164 |           1 | Specify drinking water types
 142916151 |           9 | Determine roads lane count
 142916209 |           2 | Specify leaf types
 142915725 |          10 | Specify road surfaces
 142920459 |           2 | Created 2 bus_stops
 142920690 |           2 | Created a fire_hydrant and an apartments building
 142952874 |           7 | Specify building types
 142952878 |           5 | Survey whether benches have backrests
 142952883 |           6 | Determine roads lane count
 142952889 |          14 | Specify road surfaces
 142952895 |           1 | Specify fire hydrant types
 142952898 |           1 | Specify fire hydrant positions
 142952900 |           2 | Specify pitch surfaces
 142952904 |           2 | Specify parking types
 142952915 |           2 | Survey if places still exist
 142952921 |           1 | Specify leaf types
 142952925 |           2 | Specify power poles material type
 142952937 |          12 | Determine road names and types
 142952940 |           1 | Specify whether pitches are lit
 142952975 |           3 | Specify whether pedestrian crossings have islands
 142952979 |           1 | Specify crossing types
 142952983 |           4 | Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving
 142952985 |           2 | Determine the heights of kerbs at crossings
 142953005 |           1 | Determine place names
 142953009 |           4 | Survey opening hours
 142953011 |           1 | Survey toilet availabilities
 142953023 |           3 | Specify path surfaces
 142953027 |           2 | Specify tracktypes
 142953032 |           1 | Specify whether public transport stops have shelters
 142953033 |           1 | Specify whether public transport stops have benches
 142953035 |           3 | Specify whether public transport stops have bins
 142953037 |           1 | Specify whether public transport stops have tactile paving
 142953039 |           3 | Add whether public transport stops are lit
 142953057 |           1 | Specify parking access
 142953059 |           1 | Specify whether parking requires a fee
 142953097 |           4 | Specify type of barriers
 142953102 |           4 | Specify bollard types
 142953118 |           1 | Specify whether places take fees to visit
 142953198 |           1 | Specify type of tourist informations
 142976771 |         254 | optimierung der Straßen in der Region Lottstetten, Existierende Geschäfte und Industri    e in der Region Lottstetten hinzugefügt und Öffnungszeiten angepasst, Fußwege hinzugefügt. Ackerland hinzugefügt
 142977017 |           1 | Bug Fix
 142977159 |           2 | Kleine Änderungen
 142986025 |           1 | Anpassung am Kreisverkehr im Industriegebiet (Hinter der Kappele) Lottstetten
 142986311 |          50 | Anpassung am Kreisverkehr im Industriegebiet (Hinter der Kappele) Lottstetten
 142987619 |         152 | Kleine Änderungen
 142987668 |           1 | Bug Fix
 142988327 |          27 | Kleine Änderungen
 143018429 |           3 | Updated a bakery shop, an atm, and a supermarket shop
 143018539 |           2 | Created a work; Confirmed a metal_construction
 143018350 |           1 | Specify building types
 143019254 |           5 | Updated a clothes shop and a butcher shop; Confirmed a supermarket shop, a fast_food,     and a cafe
 143077095 |          92 | Kleine Änderungen bei den Straßen in Lottstetten
 143341563 |           3 | Landmarkt in Lottstetten schließt das Geschäft zum 31 Oktober 2023
(92 rows)

I suspect that many of these changesets might be just “fantasy mapping”, but before I dive in and revert the lot, perhaps someone more local could have a look and see what is valid and what is not.

Best Regards - Andy from the DWG.

please have look to the key: website in the kik clothes poi

That’s not the only problem, unfortunately, hence me posting the list here.

I’m not local, but I checked some of the edits the user made with the ID editor and they looked mostly okay and in good faith. The problematic edit was made using the “Every Door Android 4.0” app, and it is possible that the user wanted to try this app (and failed to realize that it would write data directly to the OSM database) or that someone else took the smartphone of the user and used it for vandalism. The payment method stuff looks like a bug in that app.

The added turning circle in Changeset: 142796541 | OpenStreetMap is also present on Google Maps.

Checked a few with what seemed standard descriptive CS texts and the bulk actually looks like StreetComplete edits such as this one. Changeset: 142953118 | OpenStreetMap
Whether legit survey or sofa, can’t judge. With the account marked ‘deleted’ I’m not able to step thru the edit history of this user.

The “Every door” ones are:

 142853972 |           4 | Updated a hotel and a greengrocer shop; Confirmed a pub and a convenience shop
 142854089 |           1 | Created a nightclub
 142879578 |           8 | Updated a nightclub; Confirmed 2 place_of_worships, a wetland, and 4 other objects
 142879619 |           2 | Confirmed a car_repair shop and a kitchen shop
 142920459 |           2 | Created 2 bus_stops
 142920690 |           2 | Created a fire_hydrant and an apartments building
 143018429 |           3 | Updated a bakery shop, an atm, and a supermarket shop
 143018539 |           2 | Created a work; Confirmed a metal_construction
 143019254 |           5 | Updated a clothes shop and a butcher shop; Confirmed a supermarket shop, a fast_food,     and a cafe
(9 rows)

The full list of changesets is above. I posted it there because as you say you can’t easily step through the changesets of deleted users.

With the exception of the last changeset, these look mostly plausible. The added businesses can be googled and are probably correct.

@SomeoneElse @SekeRob
With OSMCha it is no problem to search through the changesets of deleted users.
Just enter the deleted user’s id into the filter “User ids” and click on “Apply”.
(You have to be logged in with your OSM account)

Link: OSMCha: Changesets of deleted user with user-id 20484920


Well, everything happening in building Hauptstraße 40 like Node: ‪Glorias Lusthölle‬ (‪11281764884‬) | OpenStreetMap and Node: ‪Ninos Gay Club‬ (‪11276661498‬) | OpenStreetMap seems a bit off.

Or the character of the area around town hall and catholic church has changed a little bit since it was a traditional restaurant (Gasthaus Engel)

On Mapillary, you can see a “Loop” bar at that location, and google lists a nightclub “Schweinestall Lottstetten” (roughly translates to something like “raunchy pigsty” with likely sexual connotations) at that address, so while there is no direct match, I don’t find the edits that suspicious, and it might just be outdated data or that the owner/name of that location changes often.