Post voting no longer available

Previously, post voting was on by default in help and support, but you could choose what sort of new thread to create. It now seems to be no longer available at all:

Has something been turned off, or (I presume more likely) has it just got disabled by mistake, or I’ve missed something?

Obviously we can’t disable the help site without a replacement. That was supposed to be the help and support categories here, but I guess something like could work instead.

Edit: Comments on previous post voting threads, such as this one, also appear to have been deleted. The order is now not sorted so that the best answers are at the top. Answer votes have been lost.

Edit 2: Now the plugin is on again, post votes and comments are back


Even if it turns out to be a temporary hiccup, I’m going to make a habit of redundantly upvoting and liking posts, just in case the post voting plugin croaks and we don’t have a good solution for it.

Unfortunately, comments have also gone away. Folks like me who made an effort to abide by the Q&A format now find themselves completely shut out of the conversation. Hopefully this is just a drill. I would expect fair warning before any permanent change of this sort, in order to repost the comments as actual posts.


The plugin is disabled but I don’t think there’s any history recording how that happened - there was a site update yesterday I think so maybe there is some sort of version mismatch issue?

Settings changes are actually logged and if I turn it on and off that gets logged but there is no previous record of anybody turning it off. I can only assume that a site update somehow turned it off without logging that.

I’ve turned it back on now.


Thanks. One more question - should “mark as solution” be available here (is it a separate plugin that got turned off/?

The “Solved” plugin is still enabled.

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