This extension
How do I use it ?
I’d like to split a complicated multipolygon but I can’t find menus, buttons, anything that makes me think it’s provided by said plugin
This extension
How do I use it ?
I’d like to split a complicated multipolygon but I can’t find menus, buttons, anything that makes me think it’s provided by said plugin
Ok, there’s a Tools → split polygon menu
I can’t remember if it was there already, or if it appeared due to this extension baing installed
But anyway, it always pops up an error saying:
The selected line does not start and end on a polygon
I can’t figure out how to slit this polygon, if not by handpicking its components
any hint appreciated
ok, I managed to split my polygon
I found out how in this thread
I think polygonCutOut was deprecated in favor of Split Object which is part of the utilsplugin2 when support for multipolygons was added to the latter.
Pressing F1
while hovering the mouse pointer over the menu item should open a help page but not all plugin actions have implemented this feature.