political map style

Hello again,

hmm … are there any map layers which only view the political borders without streets an all the stuff (i mean worldwide)?
would be great if each naighboring country has its unique color :slight_smile:

thanks for helping me finding that!

Nobody any link or idea?
can i create this somehow by my own?

Try the OSM-Inspector at tools.geofabrik.de → choose the view “Boundaries”

But this layer is only available for Europe at the moment. Maybe it will extended to the whole planet in the future. Ask the guys of geofabrik …

Hmm … also referencing to my other entry here http://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?id=5546 i came to a conclusion.

openstreetmaps is real great because it’s almoust free and you have tons of posibilities (i gues)
if you go deeper in using it (in the way u can use googlemaps) you find a jungle of licences, configutrations and tools, a large amount of data and dataformats (which are already new for a API user) all this i do not quite prefere. googles 8000€ license per year sonds cheaper day by day …

is there any out of the box solution of OSM?

If you are prepared to pay, there are some commercial companies that provide various map renderings, consulting and other services ontop of the OpenStreetMap data. As they don’t have to pay for the mapdata and have the expertise to rapidly piece all the freely available scripts and tools together, they can probably offer the services cheaper than google, but that is something you would have to contact them about. Examples of companies offering OSM services are Geofabrik.de or Cloudmade.com

Sorry I can’t answer your actual question, as I am not sure there are currently easy to use out of the box solutions for political style rendered maps, although it would be very useful if there were.
