Planet File & History?

Hey Forum,

I’m new here, but I’ve been using osm data for awhile to play around with routing and what not. I have a planet file on my disk, about 25 GB(compressed), from which I cut bounding boxes using a program called osmosis. As far as I understand it, it cuts everything out of a bounding box- but ignores the attribute “visible”.

Now I’m pretty sure the planet file includes everything- so also history. And I’d think if you had the history, you would need a “visible” attribute to understand whether that thing you’re looking at is old or current.

My post boils down to this: Can I get a bounding box from a certain area that INCLUDES the change history? I didn’t see a command in the osmosis documentation, but I could just be blind. Thanks

Ok, now I’m totally confused. Is there even such a thing as a history of changes?

Also, when would this “visible” attribute ever be false?

The standard Planet.osm extract does not include history, or objects that have been deleted.
There is an experimental “full” Planet dump, which does include all history. See
This should include all previous versions of objects, and objects that have been deleted.

Though this is just experimental, and not updated regularly.
I’m not sure whether it will work properly with Osmosis? That page has a link to a history excerpt script, for extracting a particular area from it.

Thank you for that link. Yes, this is precisely the file I have, and osmosis works with it. I extracted the state of Washington + a little bit (vancouver is in the BB), and it took 8,34 hours to do the extract. I’m just not sure how it works with the history- I’m guessing it gets ignored. I’ll take a look at the script!

Edit: Oh, but it does not. Since Osmosis ignores the visibility attribute, you can only assume the highest version is the correct version. A small change to osmosis, to use the visibility tag, would make it fully compatible with the full planet file (?), at least in the sense that I use it in :D.

Hi master_axe, I’m not sure what you are trying to do, and I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to clip regions out of the full history planet file. How to deal with a point which has been moved into your geographical area and then moved out again? But - ok - why not. :slight_smile:

As far as I remember there are special programs for processing history files. You could use osmconvert, the program can read .osh files and it can clip regions. However, I never tried to do both at the same time. So… good luck! :wink:

Now what’s a .osh file? The full planet is a .osm.

The script’s been running for ages now. I fear my computer went to sleep over the weekend. I’ve made the necessary changes to osmosis, but I’m still trying to compile it ^^.

As far as I remember, the full history planet sometimes is stored with the extension .osh to distinguish this file format from the regular .osm format.

Recently I’ve learned from dev mailing list that you can process the full history file with “osmium”. I never tried it with that program, resp. workframe, but maybe it will help…?