Park name render riddle - Not showing at any zoom opposed to all others in region

Been working on this park area, Relation: ‪Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise‬ (‪8426003‬) | OpenStreetMap which refuses to render it’s name at any zoom level. Normally they first show at zoom 10km in Carto Standard, some show up at 20km zoom, some stay to show at 30km as well, size matters I guess. One thought was that this name render conflicts with the Pescasseroli admin boundary which has an admin node in approx the centre of the park.

The park is slightly different tagged than most, the combo boundary=national_park + leisure=natural_reserve not found again in the region but the subject one. By using this auto generated overpass turbo, I’d like to add the leisure=natural_reserve as second search criteria to see if this is a specific tag problem. Help on amending this script is much appreciated to find and compare with the exact same tag combos on parks.

This query looks for nodes, ways and relations
with the given key/value combination.
Choose your region and hit the Run button above!
// gather results
// print results
out geom;

I’ve also thought of adding the official admin centre node for the park, some missing on other regional nat. parks like Parco Naz. della Maiella as a possible resolution, but since latter’s name does render from 20km zoom and up, it having one seems not key.


Have you tried loading this relation in JOSM and running validator? Maybe something is subtly broken with its geometry?

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After some play with code came up with

This query looks for nodes, ways and relations
with the given key/value combination.
Choose your region and hit the Run button above!
// gather results
[“leisure”=“nature_reserve”] ({{bbox}});
// print results
out geom;

which produces a map of parks that only have a national park boundary , are of type=boundary relation and are of leisure=nature_reserve species. No matter what zoom, whatever shape, narrow, twisted, contorted, all found inside and outside of Italy show their name but me Parco d’Abruzzo i.e. it must be another tag that sticks the cane in the wheel and this is regardless of the incorrect type=multipolygon or the correct type=boundary which I changed it to, but before and after it never showed name… maybe it’s something in the name and format itself?

At any rate JOSM has never acted up on this one, the boundary itself properly rendering, even searching for a partial name gives a result when but when looking for the full name it’s not found, maybe the commas.

I would guess, that the name of the park is being suppressed by the name of the town in the center.

The OpenTopoMap renders the park name.


That was the guess in me OP, Topo showing it practically smack on top of Pescasseroli, the village name even showing at 20km zoom. Guess it’s what it is, maybe it changes when the new vector tile server and style get inaugurated.