Panoramax at FOSDEM 2025!

For the 1st time, there will be a Panoramax booth at FOSDEM in Brussels 1st-2nd February !

It will be located in the K building 2nd floor (K2-A-4).

Some goodies should be there :wink:

There will be a presentation too, on saturday at 11:50 in room AW1.120

Video replay is now available :


Here are some pictures from last week-end at FOSDEM in Brussels !

2 days with :

  • very good feedback from all the contacts we had on the booth and after the talk.
  • 500+ flyers and same amount of stickers are now spreading all over Europe…
  • many interest from germany too… it’s time for action :wink:

Happy to meet the future belgian and croatian Panoramax instance admins.

Panoramax success depends on having instances being setup… that was my focus in the talk. Our challenge is mainly a storage challenge, that’s why we need to spread the load locally.

We will adjust the way we present Panoramax, focusing more on the software itself to deploy our own “street-view” and be part of the global service thru the meta-catalog.


The Panoramax talk video replay is online :