Overturemaps.org - big-businesses OSMF alternative

Yes, I think you touched on right points. OSM as of now is an “anarchy” with nobody to refer to in case of stalemates. Too little cooperation between different local communities, core OSM software devs (openstreetmap-website, openstreetmap-carto, iD, Nominatim) and data consumers.

That said, I would be far from writing off OSM. If anything, I hope it’s gona be an impulse to re-invent ourselves. And nobody said we couldn’t do what Overture members do, but more efficiently. For example, while AI has been used to trace buildings with varied results, NorthCrab just pioneered using AI to cross-check Polish government dataset (BDOT10k) with orthoimagery before importing buildings. Now he moved on to adding pedestrian crossings.
What we also have is an army of people with local knowledge, willing to check stuff on the ground. I highly doubt Overture will deploy yet another fleet of “streetview” vehicles.