OverpassTurbo: Export ::user inside a BoundingBox as CSV

I’d like to use OverpassTurbo to generate a CSV list showing users inside a bounding box
ideally with the date of the first and most recent and the number of changesets; i.e. a table (sorted if possible) :

UserName || most recent ChangeSet || First CS || Number of CS

Info: I have been asking this in the German Forum.

Hi, check the documentation here. You’ll want to use ::changeset, ::timestamp, and ::version at the least in your query.

I also use out meta in my query, export to GeoJSON, then convert to csv in my software.

Here’s a quick test for you to start overpass turbo

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I think Overpass only gives you the latest version of the data unless you query a specific date so you’ll only see the earliest changeset that hasn’t had all its data updated since then.

In practical terms I think it would be easier to just do the post-processing of the changeset on your computer after you’ve downloaded the csv.

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Thanks a lot @Codesurfer:

This helps a lot and I try to understand it. Why dis you add at the end out center;, I’m getting only empty lines for that?

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@MichaelFS Bitte. That was from another query of mine and I forgot to change it to out geom. You can use the regular out geom for your queries.

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I think if you need usernames the out statement has to include meta?

@InsertUser yes, the full query would include the out meta too

// print results
out meta; // this will get you the metadata
out geom;

@InsertUser : In order to avoid confusion: This was the original post from @Codesurfer :

He had out meta already. Only the last line out geom is obsolete.

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Yes, I misinterpreted that question. You don’t need out geom with a csv output.

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