Overpass-turbo-request: how to export the data - so that ican use them to show - and visualize in a wordpress-widget!?

dear Community

i have a overpass-turbo-request that gives back way tooo many data.

question: can i re-run the rewuest so that i do not get back that tremendous amount of data - is this doable!?
How to achieve this!?

Die Abfrage:

see the request:

out geom;

greetings tag the world

btw: how to export the data - so that ican use them to show - and visualize in a wordpress-widget!?

OSM Rohdaten

rawdata direct from Overpass API

in a OSM-Editor JOSM, Level0
As png-image
As interactive map
actual map (bbox, Zentrum, etc.)

update: well : probably i can export the link and show it in a iframe - in a wordPress…

https://overpass-turbo.eu/map.html?Q=[out%3Ajson][timeout%3A250]%3B area(id%3A3600051477)->.searchArea%3B nwr[amenity%3Dschool][!"isced%3Alevel"](area.searchArea)%3B out+geom%3B