Overpass Turbo: output without "node" and "geometry" fields

I’m learning how to use Overpass Turbo.

I’m using this query here to get a json output of all mosques in Scotland:

mosques in Scotland (wide)

A regular output lists the tags for the object: good.

For ways, it also gives “nodes” and “geometry” - which I don’t need or want. (They’re long lists, usually.)

I can suppress the “geometry” fields using “out center”.

Is it possible to suppress the “node” fields also?

Thank you.

are you looking for “out tags” ?

Thanks, that’s very helpful.

Can I get an “out tags” output which also gives the lat-long of the centre of the way?

I’ve tried

// print results
out tags;
out center;

but this doesn’t change the output

And / Or, could it give me the nearest postcode centroid?

I guess not, the geometry comes from the nodes.
tags is without geometry,

you may use the csv output instead.

Thanks. Could the csv give me the center of the object? Do you know how?

yes, have a look hier Overpass API/Overpass QL - OpenStreetMap Wiki

Special field name Description
::lat Latitude (available for nodes, or in out center mode)
::lon Longitude (available for nodes, or in out center mode)
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Excellent, thank you.