Overpass: get administrative data from a node/way

starting from a specific node/way,
i would like to know the administrative data of each element
output in csv format is ok, suggestions ?

Can you give an example? That might help people to understand what it is you want.

If I understand right they’re looking to export the query features “Enclosing Features” for a node in CSV format, possibly using overpass.

after much effort i made this query:
I wonder if there is an easier way to get the same data; other solutions?


) -> .set;

node.set       -> .set1;  // all nodes
node(w.set:1)  -> .set2;  // first node of a ways
(.set1;.set2;) -> .nodes; // union of set1 & set2

foreach .nodes (
	is_in -> .sa;
		area.sa[boundary=administrative][admin_level=4] -> .lvl4;
		area.sa[boundary=administrative][admin_level=6] -> .lvl6;
		area.sa[boundary=administrative][admin_level=8] -> .lvl8;

	convert info boundary = ""
	+ lvl4.set(t["name"]) + " | "
	+ lvl6.set(t["name"]) + " | "
	+ lvl8.set(t["name"]);