Dear OSMF members,
In the last few days we have received complaints from multiple members
eligible to vote that they had not received the emails with the link for
their vote to the OSMF board elections. We investigated this and found that
there is a bug in our management software, which prevented PayPal payments
that were made through automatic renewal to be registered in the system.
As a result, members who have correctly renewed their membership have not
received a voting email. We are still investigating the full extend of
users affected. So far we have identified at least 45 members. Some of
you have already received the voting email today, the others will follow.
Those members who receive their voting email late will have
very little time to cast their vote. The board would like to give them a
little bit more time. We therefore propose the following procedure:
At tomorrow’s Annual General Meeting, the chair will ask the present members
to adjourn the meeting before the results of the election are announced.
The meeting shall then be continued exactly one week later on
Saturday, 16th December 2023 at 16:00 UTC
with the announcement of the election
results. The election will remain open for all members until
15:00 UTC Saturday, 16th December 2023.
We recognise that this is highly unusual. However, given that in past
elections seats have been won with as little as a few votes difference,
we consider it important that every member of the OSM Foundation has a
chance to vote.
We hope that the membership understands and supports the decision of the board.
Kind regards
Sarah Hoffmann for the OSMF board