Nice app, I’ve raised an enhancement regarding indexing of cities since only the tag place is considered for indexing and boundaries are missing
Admin boundaries are more precise than a node with the tag place. so the cities I’ve drawn using boundaries instead of the tag place don’t appear on a search
It’s a pity they use tiles (.png images) to build the map, there are too many tiles to download so as to have the app running offline (without an internet connection). I don’t know if this to release processor capacity on a small device or there is another specific reason
I suspect it is so because it is far from being simple to draw realtime “as you move” maps from vector datas. You have to store data in a clever indexed way, you have to draw efficiently on rather low CPU with few main memory. That’s a lot of programmes skills (and time) needed !
I like the “maps (-)” program - it caches maps for offline usage. The default is OSM, google maps is also possible. You can choose which zoom levels to download for an area. There is a add-supported version “(-)” and a paid version “maps (+)”.
you can do that with “set point” (“Punkt wählen” in german).
After that you can go to “Search” and do a postion or a address search => “navigate to”
In the last step the “route” button shows you the new route.
I must admit it’s not very intuitive.
On this site ( in the left margin) you can choose OsmAndMapCreator- which lets
you make your own .obf files from .osm | .osm.bz2 | osm.pbf files for offline use.
But you can download there prefabricated .obf files for your Android too.
(A service like Lambertus has for the Garmin).
Nederland is excluded. Apparently because it’s ‘to big’.
But what about the offline vector map that is called “Netherlands europe”?
According to the list of available map files in Osmand app it has a date from 06.10.2011 and has a size of 368,3 MBytes as a zip file.
recently assembled maps of Osmand that are offered to download now include all POI data … aso it is no more necessary to download the extra POI obf file if you use vector maps.
uncompress to any folder on your desktop PC where you have an up-tp date JAVA installation as well.
run inspector.bat via Windows commandline or via Linux command line, and read the text that is coming up on the screen. There are some hints and options to combine single *.obf files to one.
Long time I haven’t use it, but will give a try now that there are vector maps for offline use. Have someone test the address search for housenumbers? Is that working well?
Mmm… updated osmand with the latest build from
Thats version 0.6.9… I used 0.5.1 ;-).
Now the Map, Transport,Address’ Netherlands europe (zip)
was showing up.
Downloaded more than 300 MB.
But this new version has troubles displaying Nederland on low zoom.
It complains with ‘not enough memory to display selected area’.
After that it will not render new views.
The old version does all zoom levels. It does even so after
the new version refused to display and is still in memory.