OSM UK Online Chat

Thread for the monthly live online mapping chat for UK mappers.

This coming Monday 15th April, the UK Local Chapter “OSM UK” (https://osmuk.org/) will be hosting another online chat for UK mappers to get together and talk about anything mapping and OSM related.

This month, I’ll start the meeting by talking about the current UK Quarterly Project on Defibrillators, and some of the tools and sources we can use to help. For further details see UK Quarterly Project/2024/2024 Q2 Project: Defibrillators - OpenStreetMap Wiki . There will then be time for further discussion about this or anything else you want.

The meeting will start at 8pm (UK time; GMT+1) on Monday 15th April, and probably go on for around an hour, but you can come and go as you please. Full login details can be found in the OSMCal entry. I hope we’ll see a number UK mappers there.


For those who didn’t make it to the April meeting, the slides I presented on the Defib project can now be found at https://osm.mathmos.net/defib/uk-chat-slides-2024-04-15.pdf

If anyone has any suggestions, or would like to volunteer to lead a discussion or give a presentation at a future meeting, please get in touch. It can be a simple as just talking about the ways you contribute to OSM, how you use OSM data, or a personal project you’re involved with.


Kinda disappointed at no mention of OpenAEDMap :frowning:

The Quarterly Project page mentions them.

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That’s great! If there is any functionality that’s confusing or missing, don’t hesitate to file an issue on GitHub:

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@Robert_Whittaker I’m wondering if your progress map would motivate more people if it showed postcode districts instead of the larger postcode areas. They may better represent the areas people map.



@RobJN I’ve got rough district boundaries in my postbox tool. But it would be a bit of work to re-factor the defibs tool. There’s also an issue that I just use rough rectangular bounding boxes for the OSM data. That’s not too bad on a Postcode Area, but the discrepancies would be more significant on the smaller districts. I think it’s probably not worth it at the moment (and I’m quite busy with other things at the moment)…

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The next UK Online Chat will be on Monday 20th May starting at 8pm. For full details see https://osmcal.org/event/2857/ . This month we’ll have a bit of discussion about OSM editors - what different editors do you use, what’s your favourite, which features do you like the most?


Thanks to everyone who came along last night, hopefully people got something useful from the chat.

Lots of different editors were mentioned, aside from the standard iD and JOSM, including:

We also touched on using OSM UK’s Cadastral Parcels (Land Resgistry Index Polygons) to align aerial imagery, different mapping styles for shops/POIs in buildings, using a bike-mounted GoPro camera and GPS for mapping new housing estates, and my Survey Me! tool for things to check out if have some time to spare in a new place.


I think an iOS version is in the works, but not yet available. Unless there was a big announcement in the chat?

Oops. No big announcement, just my mistake! Thanks for spotting that. Post now corrected to avoid any confusion.

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Just bumping this thread to remind people that the next UK chat will take place this Monday 17th June. Full details at OSM UK Online Chat | OpenStreetMap Calendar .

I hope the people tonight found the chat useful. We covered a few different things, including:


Just to remind everyone, this month’s chat takes place tonight at 8pm. We’ll start with some discussion about the Q3 Quarterly Project: Stale Data.

Full details about the chat can be found at https://osmcal.org/event/2947/

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This month’s UK online mapping chat will be taking place at 8pm tonight. Full details of how to join at OSM UK Online Chat | OpenStreetMap Calendar .

This month’s online UK mapping chat will take place at 8pm on Monday 16th September. Full details at OSM UK Online Chat | OpenStreetMap Calendar . One of the things we might want to talk about is what to do for the 2024 Q4 UK Quarterly Project.

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After a break for the OSM UK AGM, the online chats resume this month. From 8pm on Monday 18th November, we’ll be talking about the Quarterly Project of pedestrian crossings. Full details at OSM UK Online Chat | OpenStreetMap Calendar .