OSM Tile layer 418 Error

I use Open Street Map tile layer.
It worked fine a few days ago but today it has 418 error in console and can’t load tile layer.
I know this error is related to OpenStreetMap’s Tile Usage Policy:
But I don’t know to fix it and make work again.
Can you help me ?

Also cross-posted on the osm help site

You are probably overstretching the usage policy by requesting too many tiles.

This happens easily if you include them in a app, desktop software or website with a larger user base.

So you are not understanding the meaning of “OpenStreetMap data is free for everyone to use. Our tile servers are not.”

In this case, it’s best (esp. if you do this for a business, institution, app, etc.) to switch to a commercial tile provider. Some of those options can be found here:


Check out this blog post for more details on how to debug this situation: https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/pnorman/diary/398773